Twinzer glitches

Very nice Greg!

had a really good sesh on the twin couple of days ago,

Can’t wait to get the new one

More Shameless pics :wink:


I was told:

More overlap = tighter arcs, looser

Less overlap = drawn out turns, maybe better in bigger waves


oops: supposed to in response to Surffoils’ question 



Took me a week to remember that Ive had this 6’3" Darcy Pottz Twinzer under the house for 20 years. Never surfed it, can’t remember where I got it from, doesn’t look like anyone’s ever ridden it as the decks perfect, but its snapped 12" down.




there ya go , brett


  exactly what I emailed you about eh ?


  I think you need to surf it , to be the answer to your own question about tightness of cluster of fins effect


… the bat tail and venturi … what is in the original 1980s photo of wil jobson and his twinzer .


  be interesting to ‘feel’ the difference they make eh ?


  let us know , please …


 … and …


 … if YOU don’t ride it , maybe give young Alex Bud a ring , and film HIM riding it ?? [how are the banks there  at freshy ,  queeny , and curly , now ? ]






i would kill for that!


Good bump this one…

Here is the twinzer i have just picked up, i havent seen it yet and wont until later this week at the earliest but i cant wait to fix her up. and get some ideas from it.

In 91 i was in grade 11 and i would have killed for one of these, and its a hawian one, by R Sleigh, (may have spelt that wrong)

Pretty sure he was making the good ones potz wasinto back then, i could be wrong.