Twinzer love... 6 feet of avocado-y, bacon-y, butter-y, goodness.

Since you are capping the boxes with glass you will be fine. They are close to the rail though but should be of no consequence. Hope this one is your all time ripper.

ps. Where are you sourcing that 3/8" MDF?

Thanks T
Yah, I am not worried about those boxes at all.

All the MDF came from Home Depot…
Not sure what the thickness was.
They have the pieces that have been cut into 1/4ths

Chris can you PLEASE paint some eyes and a red head band on that thing so we can name it Raf.


How’d you know Raph was my favorite?!?!
Might just have to do that :slight_smile:

Glued in the finboxes today…
Didn’t go as easy as planned due to the double concave through the rear 1/3.

I had planned on throwing the leftover resin in the freezer… Took so long futzing with the boxes that I forgot about it until I smelled something funny. It exothermed in the cup setting on the shelf in my shed.

Oh well, boxes are straight at least.

Just finished lamming the bottom.

Cutlap for cleanliness…

Also lammed 2 layers of 6 oz on this sheet of aircraft ply… Fin fun in the future!

Picked up a 60R yesterday…
Gonna try to combine the aircraft ply with this blank. Gonna try something completely new.

Got the freshie out the last 2 days in completely different conditions.

Yesterday was waist-high and soft and the wind was howling offshore. Really frustrating waves but the board went better than my grey board. It had lots of pop but didn’t have the drive that I am looking for. It was tough to get a complete picture in those conditions though.

Today was overhead (10th-12 foot on the face for set waves, 6-8 foot faces on the in-betweeners), glassy, bowls. The lefts (frontside) ran for 100 yds. Basically perfect. Almost as good as my local gets. The board went nuts! Super stoked on it. Loose and nimble. Still didn’t have quite the drive that I had in my old magic blue twinzer though.

I just threw in whatever fins I had laying around. Ended up being only 5 1/2" mains vs the 5 3/4" mains that I was using in the blue board. The canards I used are Jobson’s template at 3 1/2". I am gonna make a new set of fins to match what I had in the blue board = 5 3/4" mains and 3 1/2" canards in GG’s template. I feel like the bigger mains will help with the drive.

I’m glad to see a great Twinzer Thread. I rode my first Twinzer, a Minami, a few months ago and was blown away by how amazing it was. thanks for sharing!

Right on SurferO
Minami knows what he is doing with twinzers.
They are eye-opening for sure.
I’ve been hooked for a couple years.

I think I am hooked too. Unfortunately that was a friends board who lives in portugal so i’m going without for the moment haha. I was surprised at how well the board held in bottom turns. I felt like I could push pretty dang hard off the bottom and it did not slide out. Very maneuverable in small surf too! Perhaps will be my next build. I will be referencing this thread. Thanks again!