In reference to “Shaping 101”, John Carper talks about when you buy a new blank, you want to make sure you don’t get a “twisted blank.” What is a twisted blank and how do i look out for it?? Thanks in advance!
In reference to “Shaping 101”, John Carper talks about when you > buy a new blank, you want to make sure you don’t get a “twisted > blank.” What is a twisted blank and how do i look out for it?? Thanks > in advance! My advise is get all the twisted, tweeked blanks you can find. When I had been shaping for about 6 years, on my own, I was taken in by Carl “Tinker” West one of Velzy’s finest students. He and Bill Bahne were owners of Challenger Surfboards. The first thing Tinker did was hand me the most crooked, twisted, tortured blank he could find in the factory and instructed me to straighten it out, after about 6 hours I had what was a relatively good shape out of it. The next blank he gave me was a return from Ramsey-Jay Surboards, the gluers at Clark had reversed the piece of foam on the outside of the offset stringers. At the nose the foam was recessed below the middle and at the tail it was above the center. This meant readjusting the thicknesses of the blank before I could begin to shape. What this is all leading up to is, 35 years later I can pick up any blank, no matter how bad it is and get what I want from it in literally no time at all. All blanks have some type of foo-foo in them, so if you intend on pursuing shaping on any level other than the occasional personal board, I suggest learning all about twists and tweeks. They come from improper storage or the clamps being cocked when the blank is glued. Pussies are afraid of twisted blanks, they don’t scare real men.
What is the best sighting method for seeing the twist and for removing it?
What is the best sighting method for seeing the twist and for removing it? A horizontal line or lines on your shaping walls at the ends of your racks.p.s.make sure your lines are straight,and your racks are level.I HAVE 3 LINES ON MY WALLS,one line 4"below the top of my racks,one at the top of my racks,and last one at 4" above my rack height.