Dear Friends,


I’m from Brazil and new at the forum. Nice to meet you all!

I’m now using the UV suncure catalyzer and it is working fine, but due the rain season I will need to buy a UV Lamp.

Has anyone ever tried the OSRAM ULTRA VITALUX 300W ? Does it work? In Brazil (3rd world) we do not have many options and the lamps are also very expensive. So this one is affordable and easy to find.

I would appreciate if someone could give me a reply.




It will work.

Thank you very much!


Best regards,



Im sure you have tanning shops there.  You can use used tanning bulbs. The shops throw them out, just ask for some.

Do you believe that the cheapest bulb costs USD150,00? the Lamp is around USD100,00 I will need at least 2.

Anyway thank you again, I will try the VITALUX and post here the results. This weekend I will received from the store and use it in one board.




It worked well. With one Lamp deck and bottom took 10 minutes to become dry.

The rails took around 25 minutes, with one lamp besides the U.V catalyzer I suggest to also add 1/8 of the standard mesure of MEKP.


…hello, in Brazil you can check this: http://www.germetec.com.br/ will be better that one lamp on top and one to the bottom of the board.


-what I see there is that they have 2 types; the tanning tubes, in different styles and curing lamps; but I do not know what s better.

You can call them and then report it back here



Hi, thank you for the help. I did what you told me. I just bought two Philips Actinic BL TL-K 40W/10-R.

Now I’m reading the specs and the lamp only has UVA radiation, only a few UVB and UVC. Do you think it will work?







Thank you guys for the support, it worked!


Below the picture of the last board. For a 20 years girl. 55`` x 19 1/8 x 2 1/4`



glad it worked out for you felipe,

this thread inspired me to build myself a new board.

started yesterday................a good father's day gift !


Hi Herb! Nice you are inspired…

All my outlines I 've been using the Board Cad, It is a very good software… You can print in original size after finish, Try one time, if you need any help tell me.

Best regards,


hey feilpe,

i just finished painting(airbrush) her today.

a nice sunburst fog over deck and rails............clear bottom.

this board reminds me of several personal boards of mine.

i see the 6-6 alien series board i built in 03.

my 1999 6-1 predator series board.

and several others too boot !

it should ride as good as it looks.

hope all works out for you my friend.


Hy Herb.

Nice to hear that, this weekend I try to finish other one, I will post the pictures.

Keep in touch and try to post some of your pictures…I love to see other boards.

I was trying to find some picture of your boards in your profile at this forum and saw that you invented the 4 fins… is it true? 

Best regards from a cold day in Brazil!

…hello man,

so, did you phone called that company?

Will be good to know the difference in those 2 types of lamps and tubes…


-What s the way to print with board cad?



Hi !!

I did not buy from that company I bought from http://www.lampadasespeciais.com.br/lampadas_linha_ultravioleta.htm, closer to my town. Thank you again for the idea.

There are many kinds, I`m using one ( SUN-LAMP / ULTRAVITALUX LAMP )  on the top (celing) and two (Philips TLK 40W /10 TUBS) below the rails and it is very good. Both kinds are good, the Ultravitalux is much more strong and fast but more expensive ( uses more eletricity and needs 220v…need to leave at least 60cm far from the board, it becomes really hot. Take a look at this picture, I tried to draw for you, it was a old picture but you will understand… Do not forget to cover the tubes with some acrylic or PVC trasnparent…otherwise some resin drops can fall and destroy the tubes…

Regarding the Board Cad  the sequence of steps to print the outline is: FILE - PRINT - PRINT OUTLINE (ALT+2) - MARK ONLY *GRID - OK - SELECT THE PDF CREATOR TO PRINT IN PDF (IF YOU DO NOT HAVE IT IS EASY TO DOWNLOAD) - THAN CLIK OK - CHOOSE SIZE A0 - PORTRAIT MARKED AND OK…, I print in A0 size (bigger avaliable) and the softwere will generate a two big pages for the board real size, then you can print in two A0 and glue THEM or open the file with Photoshop put both parts together and print in roll paper … after one of this two possible ways you cut the lines in the paper, place the paper over the blank and mark. I attached the board outline in the real size  (in my pictures you can see the finished board -  the only I uploaded.

Sorry for the bad english…hope you understood.

Also the software manual book is avaliable at this link http://www.boardcad.com/boardcad_book.pdf, good tool.

If you need anything else let me know.



Nice facility Felipe. I like the UV setup and the dual purpose blue curtains

Hi Bud, 

Thank you, it was the only possible configurantion, once the place was the only spot avaliable at my parent`s house at the beach. I have to shape and glassing in the same place so I made this glassing support to be placed over the shaping support it helps too.

Look without the glassing support


I have to keep it clean so it is a hard job, every tool inside boxes, vacuum cleaner, etc…

About the lamps, two on the top would be a dream (one to tail and one to nose), but with one is good, just turn the board over the support one time.








Nice shaping/lamination place u have.

I’m also searching for a cheap UV lamp. I found something here in Spain for about 10€ (12,53 USD) the TLK 40w/10 ACTINIC BL 59cm and for 17€ (21,31 USD) TLK 40w/10-R ACTINIC BL.

And for plugs and fins I’m thinking to use a 6w/10 ACTINIC BL 21cm which costs around 5€ (6,29 USD).

I don’t wanna spend lot of money coz when i’ll know how to laminate the boards faster than i do it now i’ll try with epoxy.

What kind of UV catalyst you use? 

In like 1 month i’ll start my 2nd board. As a uv catalyst i wanna use Sun Cure UVC 2000 coz i found it so damn cheap in the UK.



Suncure is good, do not forget to cover the lamps, no resin drops on them.

Do not use UV catalizer for fins and plugs, they will not become dry…the light can not reach that deep ok!

