Ugly Dream Board

Hey everyone! I have been a faithful swaylocks outsider for about a year now and decided it was about time to jump in.

I've shaped a few boards (shortboards and fish) here and there but I think I'm gonna get real weird soon. Lately I've been dreaming about a shorter noserider than the traditional. Extra gurth, classic mechanics but with a couple extra ideas thrown in like a little extra lift in the tail and concave on the deck (tail area) for extra water drag to bring the nose up. I decided to download some free shaping software just to get a physical idea in my mind. I probably wont be able to tell the difference between this and any other mini longboard

Unconventional, pretty ugly, and probably wont work for anything but small summer days anyways. 

Let me know what you think! Any ideas? Advice? Oppinions? (Be brutal if you need to)


 I think I saw Jonny Utah ride one of those. Seriously, though I agree with da5id about more nose rocker, not a slow arc but a kick in the last few inches to plow water. Some extra foam on the nose would help it stay above water maybe too. And tape a cinder block to the tail for counterweight if all else fails


 Jonny Utah rips Bro! be sure to glass The block on useing ultra lite epoxy and sealed with saran wrap for cold water surfing.

 "The Thumb" was designed as a short noserider back in the 70's and the modern versions still get good reviews.




 I think I saw Jonny Utah ride one of those. Seriously, though I agree with da5id about more nose rocker, not a slow arc but a kick in the last few inches to plow water. Some extra foam on the nose would help it stay above water maybe too. And tape a cinder block to the tail for counterweight if all else fails

Might want to look into a shape called a Thumb. It's tasty little treat.

 Start with a very wide nose something like the old Con Ugly mid section also wide. Now bring in the rear 1/3 of the board like a soft curved stringtemplate The tail should be looking like any normal tail as far as

Keep the nose rocker flat-er like an egg. Exaggerate the tail rocker a bit Keep the board around 6" or so. Now glass as you would any Other board, Bake in oven at 350 degrees  Add salt water a small swell and enjoy.

Hi Morgan - there is a real interesting short longboard in the current Slide Magazine (#22) on pages 136-137 by Josh Oldenburg.  The board is 5' 9" but heavily influenced by longboard shape, Josh calls it his 5'9-9'5.  Its not a noserider per se, but they have a hang five pic of it in action. I really want to build me one, about 6'.  If you get a chance, check it out.  It may give you some design ideas for a short longboard.

You probably want and inch or two more nose rocker…

If I see it right you have a 7' x 22" x 3 1/2"..........................Do an internet search for Walden Surfboards...look for the Mini Magic and the Compact Disc.....I've searched for the M-Pod but have had no luck....

I have never met Walden but I have a friend who knows him.....and I've repaired several boards signed by Walden....The current repair job in my little workshop is an M-Pod. 8' x 24 x 3.5.

Super light, super wide, super thick. Masive nose. pin tail...Owner loves it....paddles fast, nose rides and you can turn it..........super light means I fix it alot....go for it!

Thanks! I’ll definitely check both out! I dont even know why I didnt look at the mini magic or CD for ideas. I’ll definitely read that article though!

And more nose rocker huh? It’s at 2 or 2.5 I believe right now, the board I scaled down was at 4.1 nose rocker if I remember right… you dont think it’d be overkill?

Someone said make it 6’6 and someone else told me to round the tail a bit also… thoughts?


…also I’m 5’8 and weigh 130 on a good day

I was thinking about the short longboard design for my next shape, but mine would be even smaller cause I’m 5’5" and 120lbs. I was thinking about like 6’ too. Like take the front 3’ and back 3’ of a longboard and omit the large middle section, then clean up the outline. I surfed with a guy before a hurricane last year that had a walden, it was like a shorter longboard with chamfered rails in the bottom, presumably so it turned a lot quicker and was more tippy from rail to rail. The board that stingray described sounds super fun.