peerhaps ordering a board
from someone named
happy forever
or shadhad neverdung
aalass the fly in the ointment
was cast upon the calm waters
of the dream scape mind pond
and oil based the ointment floated well
when the sun meltsthe oint
the fly suspended
comes again to llife
and flizzing attemmpting to fly
disturbs the perfection…
Horses …women,
girls friends
women wives
all play their parts
mindless til after
the unforseen
undoing of the quiet quest
the stillness broken
the silence shattered by the
special lamentfull tone
classicalyly the dominion
of smaller children…
to the ear
sometimes heard
unfortunate place
in space.
retire the poor board.
perhaps the surfboard spirits
will allow you no posession
you dont build yourself,
if your fate is sealed
if destiny is at hand
your next board
could be
the best board
of all time
need we say in the known Universe
or will your carport sufice?
perhaps make a board with the horse’s
spirit included [ hair ,dung,picture]
the spectral-spirit realities must be addressed.
the diligent surfboard shaman
can avoid unpleasantness
in advance.
nothing like a spirit board.
the greatest waves
the greatest rides
when exaulting
forces greater than ourselves.
blame the spirits
and appease them
fprgive the woife an the 16 hander
they are just elements of destiny.
your boards are better,
the spirits know that
methinx they are to be held responsible…
dont blame yourself for buying a whine