
hey , it’s GREAT to see you here , panny !

i was asking hicksy if he had seen you here recently ?

sorry to hear about your wayne lynch board , i hope it’s fixable

i have had some <span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-style:italic">beasts </span></span>near me at times , too... 

…boards i’ve made ,

girls i’ve met ,

[and … that includes the ocassional cow , too.]

if that makes you feel any better ??



I gave up blaming myself a long time ago…

Yup ,that’s what’s wrong with this world.


peerhaps ordering a board

from someone named

happy forever

or shadhad neverdung

aalass the fly in the ointment

was cast upon the calm waters

of the dream scape mind pond

and oil based the ointment floated well

when the sun meltsthe oint

the fly suspended

comes again to llife

and flizzing attemmpting to fly

disturbs the perfection…

Horses …women,

girls friends

women wives

all play their parts

mindless til after

the unforseen

undoing of the quiet quest

the stillness broken

the silence shattered by the

special lamentfull tone

classicalyly the dominion

of smaller children…

to the ear

sometimes heard


unfortunate place

in space.

retire the poor board.

perhaps the surfboard spirits

will allow you no posession

you dont build yourself,

if your fate is sealed

if destiny is at hand

your next board

could be

the best board

of all time

need we say in the known Universe

or will your carport sufice?

perhaps make a board with the horse’s

spirit included [ hair ,dung,picture]

the spectral-spirit realities must be addressed.

the diligent surfboard shaman

can avoid unpleasantness

in advance.


nothing like a spirit board.

the greatest waves

the greatest rides

when exaulting

forces greater than ourselves.

blame the spirits

and appease them

fprgive the woife an the 16 hander

they are just elements of destiny.

your boards are better,

the spirits know that

methinx they are to be held responsible…

dont blame yourself for buying a whine


Horses …women,

girls friends

women wives

all play their parts

mindless til after

the unforseen

undoing of the quiet quest

the stillness broken

the silence shattered by the

special lamentfull tone

classicalyly the dominion

of smaller children…

to the ear

sometimes heard


unfortunate place

in space.

dont blame yourself for buying a whine

Your wife has a horse?

How much do those cost?

Order 5 more WL’s with no apologies. At least you don’t have to feed them, or pay someone to exercise them when you’re out of town.

I bet some guy ordering 5 boards goes to the head of the list :slight_smile:

dogs=surfboards>my friends=me>women=money

definately withold sex this will teach both wife and horse a hard lesson.then when wife is at her witts end demand she slaughter horse before she gets the good gear…

You could try withholding sex with the horse,too. Teach her a lesson. Mike

Don’t repair the board…repair the relationship with the wife…

make a new storage rack that is horse proof…fix the gate…go surfing… It’s still just a surfboard no matter how long it took to get…call Wayne and order a replacement…Be happy…

Dinged… I read the one about the messed up boards and can only still baerly keep my hands from shaking w/anger after 25 years (Well, maybe not that bad, and I realize I’ve probably whined this story before… )… Had the best board of my young life, my dream “Eight foot lightening Bolt gun, shaped by Bill B.” Had just fixed a massive deck delam, bought it used, and was just entering my learning of ding repair - board maintainence - had a few great sessions, the last of which ended with a big nose ding… While I was letting it dry out, I went on a trip that turned into a move, so it was gone for a few months, and my dad, bless him, moved my stuff out of where I was living and in the process THREW THE LIGHTENING BOLT IN THE DUMP!!!

As I sit shaking my head all these years and boards later… a ding… No offence, but you have it and you can fix it.

Bless us each and everyone…


Women come ‘n go …… but a good board is forever!!! : )

Well my 7ft lynchie will survive , the cook is still here ,I reackon I’ll withhold till xmas eve. The horse is for sale but was anyway,

FOR SALE ; Thoroughbead mare 16hh dapple grey ex race horse. poa

Thanksfor all the kind words and advice.