uncatalysed resin going clear

Hi all,

I have noticed that one of my containers of sanding resin has gone from the usual translucent blue to completely clear. The other container is fine and both have been sitting in the shade, but outside and its been quite hot - is this a usual occurrence? Should I dispose of it (responsibly of course)?

Howzit AJ72, I would do a test before throwing it out. Aloha,Kokua

Hey there Kokua,

thats a good idea - will do



the same thing happen to me, i’m in virginia and it has been cold here…it is silmar 249-A… but i haven’t try it yet. I will test it tomorrow… let me know how your resin test went… later ,Ed Townes soulmanet@yahoo.com

resin itself is colourless; manufacturers add promoters and other additives to the formula to make the resin kick the way the customer needs it too. call the manufacturer or distributor, go buy some cobalt and get one of their techs to help you get the batch back in shape; why dispose of it? it’ll be recoverable with careful chemical modification…and reasonable manufacturer will have a help line for you to call.

Thanks GWN - will do mate. I’ll see what they come up with.