Hi everyone. I had a chance meeting with Matt Calvani of Bing surfboards while on a recent surf trip OS, and he suggested that my project board might possibly be unique, if not then you might be interested anyway. I chanced upon some Powlonia and decided to put it to good use and shape a board. Initially it was to surf, but as the project wore on it became increasingly likely that it may remain a display only.
heres the rough shape
Here's strange part. I hollowed out the bottom of the board like a dugout canoe! I went to within 20mm of the deck (could have gone heaps closer in hindsight) , then ran a 5mm deep rebate about 400mmfrom the rails.
In the rebate sits 3mm marine ply cap. The gap is filled with Bostic Expanda builders foam and the cap secured with PVA waterproof wood glue. The cap was held down with my guitar amp! and brass screws every 50mm or so to stop it blowing out. The screws where removed after the glue set.
The remaining 2mm is then taken up with cedar strips(taken from an old venitian blind) set at 45degrees to a centre strip
The inlay is made from Brushbox and Poua shell.
Heres what the bottom looked like prior to sanding
Here's the top,which i left plain. As you can see, its similar to my MSF in planshape
Here's the finished bottom. The fin goes through the cap and rebates into the underside of the deck, its made of Brushbox with 4oz glass.
Here's the finished top.
The bottom
And another view of the bottom
And finaly the inlay
It took around three months to make and the dimentions are 6'7"x 19" x 2 5/8", The weight is just under 6.7kg, so pretty heavy, but probably surfable in the right conditions. The rails are pretty pinched and the whole board is very bladey with 'butter knife' rails.