Urgent pre-hotcoat question

I’m going to finish my first board tomorrow. The bottom is solid yellow tint with cutlaps to the deck. The deck is clear. The deck has also been hotcoated, but not the bottom. My question is:

On the bottom, where the deck lam wraps around, there are a couple spots where air is caught between the yellow and the top clear coat. I’m assuming that simply hotcoating the bottom will not hide the blemishes. MarkScott made some suggestions last week at the seminar, but I completely forgot what they were. Should I poke them and try to inject some lam resin in them? Or should I just try to cut them out, as it would be the clear coat I’d be cutting, so the yellow would still show? One is right under the nose on the rail, and the other is about 4" long right where the hard edge towards the tail will start. Thanks for any advice.

Either way works. Injecting them with lam resin will do the trick or you can cut them out and just do the whole reglass small areas thing. Either works and is going to leave somewhat of a blemish but as long they’re water tight it’ll be fine. My first glass job was FULL of those. The latest one I did is picture perfect. So dont worry about it.



Thanks. Think I’ll try injecting. Cutting them completely out would seem to look worse, I would think.

Yeah, it does look a touch worse. but depending on the size it is necessary sometimes. This is just my opinion as well, probably some much better, more experienced views on it on here.



Cutting out completely works well… but you have to do it while the resin/glass is still a little green. At this point it’s going to be way too hard.

Drill two small holes, one on each side. Resin goes in one hole, air comes out the other.