Hey Everyone,
I was just hoping that as a collective we could disallow people like that ahole who posted the Bing for sale to post items for sale on Sways. I have the exact same board (except for the fem color) and new I paid only 850$ a year ago. That jack ass did not pay that for that board and it is way to soon to assume the value has increased. The jerk is not even selling it for what he/she paid for it. Sighting clark going under as the reason it is worth more now just pisses me off. You know f*@kers like Surfride and so on won’t be paying premium prices for used boards but you know they will be selling them at a premium. One tongue says to the seller of the used board “Oh the clark thing is not that serious of an issue” the other tongue says to the new buyer “Oh you know these are scarce with the shortage of foam thats an extra 200$” they are no better than OPEC. Here at sways though, we have the opportunity to stop that bullshit from going down. I hope there is some way to remedy this.