users name on this site

    Aloha stingray,You tell themsince you claimed the name years ago and there is only one of you, just like there is only one of a lot of us and I don't see any kokua's other than me and I would pity the guy who tries and use herb as a user name. Aloha to all of the old name members,Kokua

Hi Mike.......I'm no angel....people like to get under my thin skin....but I play the's all for fun...

I love Herb...he's a great guy......very helpfull ,very smart....don't mess with Herb......... do we get Kokua, KenSurf , and Herb Spitzer to all show up in San Diego at the same time?????

Cover your eyes and count to 10 first…

I chose Cuttlefish as I was always noticing the dryed up cuttlefish on the beach and thinking to myself “one day I’ll wash up on the beach like them”.

[quote="$1"] do we get Kokua, KenSurf , and Herb Spitzer to all show up in San Diego at the same time?????



like how they use to get charlie to the set of two and a half men.................


.........................hookers and a big bag of,.


and can someone turn off the outdoor cooler been freezing lately.


as far as mike "wilddog,kokua" williams goes,"he's a metal of honor winner" here at of a kind....the real thing.

what "we" ol farts need is a gathering and where no one backs out of it.

kenny ? i told you not to f@#k with it ............i said,"leave it alone"............but have to go and ruin a perfectly good gloss(oh,and i have photo evidence,the blackmailing can lead a dog to loves you


and to steve smith: be thankful your parents didn't name you, "john".................

................i have a surf/builder friend over in the southbay named,"bob smith" he never had a problem using his real name.most in the industry know who you're talking about...........

.........but he did have a suedo ,"fat bob".

i never called him that out of respect for his skills,and his place in the line-up.

i live by the old hawaiian tradition ,"respect your elders".

"respect is earned............ where respect is given".
