using acrylic sealant as a medium to carry paints

Just an idea…

I was thinking of killing 2 birds with one stone by mixing my acrylic paints with some clear acrylic sealant spray (like future)

Has anybody done this already. If it worked it would mean only having to spray the board once before glasing.


…been doing that for a while (Herb S was/has for years…) works great…lots in the archives…did I mention it works great??? Peace and waves…

Yep, that’s what we mix our paint with, whatever brand paint and Future. Mixing your paint with water is no good.


Smart and Final brand acrylic floor finish for the budget conscious works great too. Comes in a gallon size.

I’m surprised you were able to find out about Future (from here) and not read that we’re using it to cut our paints…

I don’t think that you’re going to “kill two birds with one stone” though… not that paint needs to be sealed, if you use quality inks, sprayed well, and allowed to dry sufficiently. But the Future is just clear acrylic, mixed with acrylic paint, you just have, a bunch of colored acrylic… it’s still “unsealed” acrylic. I still seal mine with pure Future, if for no other reason than that warm fuzzy feeling inside.

And it smells Fresh too!


I used the s&f brand(s) supercrylic for sealing finished boards,and the reg. s&f floor acrylic sealer for the same. 

I read the contents in both and even though I have never used the Iris brands of floor sealers for paint mixing,I would be lead to believe that it would cause problems,due to the amounts of distillens,cutters,waxes,and softeners in them.

…Give us a run down killer.



This tip and many others from Herb has proven itself time and time again.

What I’ve been doing lately is using Acrylic sealer to mask the edge of my tape lines. When taping off foam tints with acrylic paints, use a brush or spray of clear sealer to eliminate the bleed under your tape line. This works when laying down large areas of color or even those razor thin pinlines.

Tom S.

They just had the 5 gallon supracrylic on sale for like 30.00

Happy Happy Happy

Joy Joy Joy

Tom -

When you say you are using the acrylic sealer to mask your tape lines, do you apply the sealer before or after the tape is laid down?

John,I sure he means after the tape is laid down.But you can do it either or both ways.

!!!>F-1 WATCH OUT<!!! Supercrylic is for sealing finished boards only!

…If you try to use it for paint mixing >>>>>TEST IT FIRST<<<<<Then let us know what’s up.Herb

2 n 2 b4

Herb We use it for sealing finished boards only, I just saw supracrylic taked about above and wanted to brag about my good fortune.

Thanks though

I wasn’t sure,just beening safe.That is a great buy,by the way!Herb

tubey + 2bs=cosmic