using glue to hold glass in place before vaccum bagging??

can i use a spray glue, or similar to quickly tac down the glass so i can flip the board over etc?

obviously i want some thing that wont show up with clear resin over it and wont go yellow over time?


No!  No!  No!

best you outline your planned steps here and let us nitpic you ;)

What's going over the glass? Foam, glass/resin and ???

Epoxy resin.

sounds like you want to do both sides at once? Are you sure about that....

fold up your pre cut to shape glass real small and wet it out in a container. Moosh it up and let the resin soak in. Unfold and lay the wet glass out. Flip and repeat. It'll sick. Or lay out pre cut to shape glass and wet out on the blank. One to one ratio or as close as you can get.

Best you do one side at a time.


3M 77 Spray adhesive.  Very very light dusting.  You got to be careful when laying the glass down so you don't end up with a mess.  

ok!, thanks

will do some experiment’s, im thinking along the lines of vac bagging, both sides at once! or just glassing but putting the cloth under tension around the lap’s, and holding it all in place, with lap’s cut’s etc.

maybe spot’s of 5 min epoxy here an there?


Dave’s right but be careful on the dusting of EPS with 77 because too much or applied to closely the solvents in the stuff will chew on the foam, so follow his advice with a “light dusting”.  In the production of advanced composites done under vacuum, the stuffs about as common as a beehive hairdoo, at a B-52’s concert.

not many of those around now! especially since winehouse


cheers guy’s