Using skinny trees for a chambered board?

Is this possible? Can anyone point me to techniques for making wood boards from not so thick trunks? Or perhaps training trees with rocker in them?? We have some fast growing and very light wood here in NZ.

Any info much appreciated.


There’s a recent thread about using agave

The two most common methods for wood boards are chambered and strips over framework. Any wood that can be milled to the size of a wide stringer would work for chambered, and any wood that could be milled into narrow strips would work over a frame. Google tree-to-sea forum for more specifics.

Isn’t there a clip somewhere of a NZ shaped making a board out of Cabbage Tree wood? (Cordyline Australis / Ti-Kouka)  Could be a bit easer to grow than your example. One good thing about using cabbage tree wood is that when you cut the tree down it grows back.

Tom , you may benefit from doing a google search on wood steaming or heat bending timber… also “scabbing” and scarfing techniques for timber. Of particular interest would be the heat bending posts used by luthiers to bend the sides of stringed instruments…it depends on the timber species , and the dimensions of your stock . Some woods respond better than others. Avoid creating any twists or warp…it saves some headaches.

Thanks everyone.

Il have to dig a bit deeper on tree to sea for this. Spuddups, there are plenty of cabbage trees around but they are slow growing and I am really keen to explore the uses of this “whau” (said foe) tree for its weight charateristics. It also grows really quick even arond where I live which is not ideal as it likes a warmer climate. My old lady has a native tree nursery and this particular tree broke through its bag and into the earth below and now dwarfs the trees around it, including cabbage trees . Thanks Kayu, sometimes the main hurdle to a good google is some terminology. Much appreciated.


hi Tom, try nocean on this forum, i’m pretty sure he’s made a board using whau or flax flower stalk. there is plenty of available timbers. i’m pretty sure it was roger hall that made a chambered board using cabbage tree. looks very similar to agave. but sucks up resin like a straw!