UV blue epoxy for sale in Hawaii

No not RR epoxy -No not fgh epoxy-no not greenroom resin but the best epoxy is available here in Hawaii. I have 7.5 gal kits only please pm me for delivery.

Our stuff is very water white and stays white for longer. Don’t let them fool you with a blue die additive. The root starts with a "premium"epoxy.we do not hate…

What’s the UV moniker signify…resistance ot yellowing or what? Barcol hardness is? Thanks

Aloha Dead, Until recently most epoxies were turning yellow in the sun pretty quickly. We know have inhibitors such as a uv blue die that keeps the board whiter for much longer ad well as give the board a blueish tint to make the resin almost mimick the "white resin"the poly guys love so much.

PM me the source and wholsale prices for it (can supply license#)…closest to Santa Barbara or shipping. A spec sheet would be nice to compare to other like what Aerialite is pushing.


hey pete;

am new in this. can u educate me on what r the few possibility that will make a board yellowish?

1.) was it because of the sunlight? or

2.) was it because of the finishing on glass cloth not compatible with the resins.

3.) or…?

will be grateful if you or anybody who can give me a twinkle.



Hi Curious. I am not sure what type of board you are talking about becomming yellow.some pu blanks just turn yellow in the sun .So there are two things going yellow -the blank or the resin.for me since I do epoxy is most times it is the resin that turns yellow. If the epoxy has no uv inhibitors in the mixchances are they go yellow in a few weeks .some boards look good off the get go but you will rind them to discolor very quik. My resin stays white for much longer than any other epoxy around.

Hi again Curious,Also added is certain cloths of course yellowed more than others in my course of study. Depending on what brand.Also let’s say if you compare 2layers of 4oz vs. 2layers of 6oz. The two layers of four will naturally be lighter in color.good luck!

Thank You Pete.

I am also interested on how each individual fibreglass cloth fair comparing to each other when apply on surf boards.

