vacuum bagging videos you would recommend

An old dog trying to learn new tricks. Are there any good vac-bag. videos out here covering everything including bagging wood veneers that any of you would recommend? Thanks

username tridrles (I hope I got that right) has a dvd available!

Don’t forget Bert’s vac bagging thread - very comprehensive;search_string=bert%20vac%20bag;#183570



you don’t need a video. It is all right here on sways. Just search the archives, read, cut and paste into your own document. Then build it. Please lets us know how the project goes.

the definitive “video”

is Tom Sullivan’s video

“Vacuum Bag Board Building with Tom Sullivan”

made years before

Swaylocks even existed

although it is for building composite sailboards

it shows you how old the technique we currently as discovering

really are.

1lb foam hotwired from a block

dcell wrapped skins

adjustable rocker table for vacuum bagging

epoxy resin and carbon reinforcements

using a wetout table

various hotwire tools so you all you need is hand tools

its all there

on a VHS video tape

I even don’t think you can buy

blank VHS video tapes anymore

unfortunately I believe the Victoria Productions video is out of print

Tom was an early Swaylock poster

check the archives

Howdy Nicko. I have a copy of Tom Sullivan’s video and would be willing to loan it to you, since you’re an old dog and I’m sure you’ll return it! Send me a PM if interested.



the definitive “video”

is Tom Sullivan’s video

“Vacuum Bag Board Building with Tom Sullivan”

made years before

Swaylocks even existed

Was thinking the exact same thing. So I went looking to see if it was still available: no dice. Maybe someone knows a way to get it.

I had this video on order before they were even finished with it (10 years ago or so) and after many delays ended up with one of the first copies. Production value was pretty awful, there was tons of information left out, and some of his methods were ill conceived. Still, totally worthwhile if you can find a copy.

You can assemble all the knowledge in the video by reading Swaylocks. But the video would still be nice to have as a supplement.

Would sell you mine or make you a copy (if it is unavailable) but I loaned it to a friend and never saw it again.