Vacuum system set up

Does anyone know a good way to set up a vacuum system for a small shaping bay? I have the Clark system but it is really big for my small bay.Also I am looking for a hookup for my skil 100 to connect the vacuum to.I have not come across a dust chute for the skil that is available for purchase. I have seen some shots of Ben Aipa with his Skil 100s and they have ports for vacuum hook ups.Let me know what would work best.

adaptors for planers may have to be home made, though I have seen them semi-pro.

Suggest making one out of can foam, the stuff that you shoot out like Cool-Whip. Then glass it, making sure to leave attachment points (unless you’re simply going to tape it to your planer). Last, gouge out the foam from inside the glassed form. Wallah-custom planer dust chute.