Velzy gone clear.

Just got the call Dale passed this morning. Via con Dios Amigo you will be missed.

“Simmons made them light, but Velzy made them turn.”

-Phil Edwards

Got two of the man’s boards in my garage. Actually, about 10 this morning, 4est dinged one of them (gotcha bro :slight_smile: ) right below Jack O’Neill’s house. Wonder if that was the point occurrence in the cosmos which tipped the odds out of Dale’s favor.

He lived it and will be missed.

RIP Hawk.

Dale Velzy had a profound impact on Surfing, both in innovation and spirit. I think every living shaper today has been directly or indirectly influenced by him. What a gift he was to us all. Aloha, Dale.

thanks for the inspiration, we all owe you greatly!!

He’s taking a huge chunk of southern California cultural history with him. Surfboards, hotrods, motorcycles, caballaro…he’ll be missed for sure.

in the words of ambrose…

multinational corperations dont surf

God bless Velzy

put a drain plug in a Quigg hollow balsa 22’ 14# board in the 50’s

appropriate application of tech-knowlege

Quigg aint a kook ,Velzy aint a kook

all the rest of us are by comparison.

lets go surfin and learn sumpthin’

Sad news. He will be missed. Bye Dale! Your legend will live for many generations!!!

may we grok Velzy completly in the now and here after

in the name of the fathers

the sun

and the eternal spirit

Praise Dale Velzy in rhyme and story at every campfire

to let every campfire carry his name skyward

to mingle with the stars and constelations

where he may rest in comfort for eternity…

aloha to the oldest man,

aloha from waipouli … ambrose…

may we live as rich and successful life

he taught us

mucho gusto



Ambrose amigo, I took my 11’0’’ Velzy out the racks today and ran my hands down the rails, took the dust off and waxed it up. Time to log some trim time on the old girl. I did the lawn, washed my truck this mornin and my wife Big '‘D’'walks out with a Velzy T shirt he gave her years ago, I said why did you were that shirt today , she says I just grabed it ,first one on top, ‘‘chickin skin’’, Via con Dios KP

Huna’’ the secret science behind miracles’’

by max freedom long

he talks about the shadowy web

every where we go every one we interact witd we leave a trail

kinda like a thin psychic web like a cosmic spider web

this can be used for all levels of communication

psycic,spiritual,real time beyond time…

so any whey

here we have a very high being

who interacted nonstop witth the world at large

for the greater part of the last century

the lives minds and souls he interacted with

are beyond measure.

this web concept applied

divines another application

that of the net as in the hawaiian throw net

as we well know the net is cast

the weights go to the bottom

and when retracted the weights dragging bottom

corral all the fish in the net and viola family meal

so here we have the velzy spirit ascending

and the shadowy web connected all arround

the weight of these good deeds drag the surface of conciousness

every kind word every board every t-shirt every beaming smile obliges

all these survivors to contemplate a higher form of life

the higher this spirit ascends in the collective minds

the more our gaze is drawn above this mundane mower pushin traffic tolleratin’material world until all these weights draw the all of us together and the velzy spirit is allowed effect us


this is gonna be a wake to rival all else,

a funeral to shadow the vatican shin dig

the dignitaries will be the royalty of the subculture

a memorial to all we hold dear

any politician will be a gate crasher

all the departed ,like dewy and dora , their attendance is mandatory

to be there would be the experience of a lifetime

a paddle out at the BU?

the mind reels with possibilities

where is the statue gonna be errected?

would he stand for it?

should we get a casting

should it be made from clear resin

will madame Tousand want a shot?

basa says its gonna be on the 11th or the 16 or somthin like that…

tomorrow I’m catchin one for senor hawk

as he soars high above my megar station

surely he can see me better than I can see him

little effects are resounding world wide

as the Velzy effect

permeates to where we cannot hide…


and a james Brown yowl chicken skins my whole left side

who needs to hear it when you can feel it…

aloha from waipouli… ambrose…

have mercy on those who resist the velzy effect