Within a few days I’m going to be building some new glassing and shaping bays. Wondering if you guys know any good ventilation services in the Seacoast or know any good ventilation secrets for in a garage (other than opening the garage doors).
You want us to give you an enviormental study?
Figure out prevailing breezes. Open one end of workshop, open other end.
If the winds don’t blow, run a fan to push air out.
If the breeze is opposite direction, move fan.
That’ll be $1,000 please, just send us a check!
check the archives. i remember once someone showed how they set up an enclosed glassing area within their garage and used fans with air filters on the ends to cycle the air through and put cleaner, stank-free air back out.
turn off the gas hot water heater. now.
Now that’s good advice. A box fan, fitted in to exhaust on one end, and unless you have a real tight space, you’ll probalby suck enough air in anyway. Good luck,Taylor