Very simple fin question

Ok, I need an explanation here…

Say we’re talikng about a short, single fin. If you placed the fin farther back, wouldn’t that make the board looser than placing it forward? just for an example, I’m thinking that if a big single fin was placed towards the middle of the board, that the board would be VERY hard to turn, but I got into a conversation tonight woth some friends that were shaping a board that were aying the opposite. I know this is VERY basic, but I want to know for sure. Thanks…

i think it has more to do with the amount of tail area behind the fin…moving it forward loosens up the board.

Hi Tenover,

IMO it’s like a skateboard. if you think of the fin as the rear truck, its easier to turn the board on its axis when you have your foot way back on the tail/kick end. But it would be hard to turn it on axis if the truck was way far back. So yeah, further forward is more loose and further back is more stable.


In general- moving your fin or fins forward is similar in effect to shortening the wheelbase on a skateboard: the board will offer less drive, quick sketchy turns, increasingly unstable at higher speeds.

I’m with soulstice,

Move it forward until you find the right amount of tail area behind it to be loose enough for you, dependant on conditions of course. If you take it any further forward you could consider a small trailer behind it to stabilise. Still loose but holds in.

Very simple answer. Forward= looser. Back= stiffer.

Remember, every answer assumes you are standing in the same spot on the board regardless of fin location!

Certainly, if you stand further back, with fin further back, the board will turn sharper and harder, but can you still trim from there?

Thrailkill is right.

It is trivially easy to confirm.

Even a quarter inch of fin movement is noticeable to me.