
someone have seen ‘‘Carve it Up’’ video? Everybody talk about damascus and shaping 101 but this prodution is good video or not? thanks

I’ve seen the carve it up vid. It doesnt hold water. I would have to say pass on that.

Isnt good? just for courious can I know why?>>> I’ve seen the carve it up vid. It doesnt hold water. I would have to say > pass on that.

I have Carve it up, Glassing 101 and Shaping 101. Each of the videos has its own strengths and weaknesses. Carve it up has every thing in one video. It is condensed information. It has some good glassing ideas. I have not bought the Damacsus Video yet. I do not want to give my credit card number to Pay Pal. Anthony>>> someone have seen ‘‘Carve it Up’’ video? Everybody talk about damascus and > shaping 101 but this prodution is good video or not? > thanks

Hi Anthony well I have shaping101, glassing101, airbrush101, and from yesterday damascus master shaper series. You can send money check with post service at damascus… but ask more information. My bill is 71euros for video+15euros bank exchange (I live in Europe)I dont use credit card in the net. Damascus is nice video. bye>>> I have Carve it up, Glassing 101 and Shaping 101. Each of the videos has > its own strengths and weaknesses. Carve it up has every thing in one > video. It is condensed information. It has some good glassing ideas. I > have not bought the Damacsus Video yet. I do not want to give my credit > card number to Pay Pal.>>> Anthony