Vintage Board Identification Help

I just came into possession of this late 70s/early 80s single fin.  It has a logo from an old Australian Gold Coast radio station, 4GG, under the glass.  It also has a Surfer’s Alliance decal on top of the glass and an early Gorilla Grip traction pad.  No shaper signature and no other identifying information that I could find (unless it is under the traction pad, but I’d rather not remove that).  It is a shot in the dark, but if anybody has any info it would be appreciated. Thanks all.

I have a similar board with the Surfers Alliance sticker on it as well.  I’ll take a look at it and see what I can find.  Get back to you manana.

Looks like a Col Smith style channel bottom.

I don’t think Surfers Alliance has any connection to that board. That company came way later in the mid 80’s early 90’s. Marty Thomas was their main team rider. I sprayed some boards for the brand while working at Channin when SA brought their staple of Hawaiian shapers over to California.


Thanks guys super appreciated.  Ya I agree at this point that SA probably not connected to the board, probably just a decal added later.

There may be a label under that SA sticker. I would peel it off, anyway.

So I peeled the SA decal off and peeled back a good portion of the Gorilla Grip pad and didn’t see any identifying marks.