Vintage board refurbish & shaper info request. Ewa beach

My friend had this 9’er in his backyard for away in half moon bay CA . A lady bought in Hawaii and left it behind in HMB many years ago. He asked me if I wanted it so I took the challenge. Lots of elbow grease and goo gone getting the mud off. No delam ,a few dings, glass fin back on. I’ll post some after pics too

Anyone know about rob? Husic maybe? Or just a hack


Might be Robbie Mcdonald ? board. Look through this thread: “” It mentions most of the Ewa Beach guys.
Back in the late 60’s and early 70’s a guy named Robbie McDonald made boards. He learned from Chris Gardner, one of the original Lightning Bolt guys. Both Chris and Robbie passed away very young and under strange circumstances, but we were a wild place back then. They were both part of the “road” gang. Guys that lived on Ewa Beach road. We had some really good surfers back then, still do, but those guys were as good as anyone on the island.
Another guy Robbie Husic, was a legend and would have been incredible but he also passed away very young in 1976 or so. He was our John John Florence back then, a truly gifted surfer. I don’t know if Robbie Husic made boards.

Thanks shark country!
I think your right about Rob Macdonald . I search his named and found some info on

Mike bells comment on bottom
“Yeah, like you guy say; there were some great surfing in Ewa Beach! I lived Ewa Beach Road, and had many great days surfing Empty Lot. Back then, it was Butch, Frank Aragon, David, Julie and Bolo Cueva, Mel Behasa, George Kaholokula, Herbert Pruce, Nathan Moody, Rob MacDonald and his dad, Mac. Clay and Calvin Eton, Norman Nauka (ripping bottom turns on a huge long board), Mike and Steve Kendall… Am I leaving anyone out Butch? Dave Cueva and Rob MacDonald were making boards then in Rob’s parent’s carport, directly in front of Empty Lot’s best break (arguably). We all hung out there. Dick Delong moved onto EBR a bit later and was making boards as well. And on really good days, we got a lot of the surf gang from the other side of Ewa Beach too; Mikey Vogelgesang, John and Johnathan Crouch, Robbie Husic, Ron Ariole, the Gaynors, Tom Phillips,… Empty Lot Surf contests were judged from MacDonald’s front yard. Good fun days!”

Barry Morrison is a friend, he lived in the Iroquois Pt. military housing at the far eastern end of Ewa Beach. Jim Phillips makes boards for Inter-island these days. Brewer and Diffenderfer made boards for Inter-island back in the day. I’m from the far west side of Ewa Beach. There’s only about 1.5 - 2 miles distance. His description of our coast is spot on.
That board looks like a late 60’s board. Mike Bell may remember that board. He lives in Bali now, but he is on facebook.

Thank you for the Post. I remember Robbie and Dave.Cueva shaped and glassed a board for me. It consisted of blue/white foam with balsa and redwood strips.