Vintage G&S Skip Frye, Need help determining age

I am thinking about selling my vintage G&S Skip Frye board and wanted to see if someone had an idea of when it was actually shaped as I cannot find any markings. I bought it as a kid in the late seventies or early eights. It’s in a little bit of rough shape. The board is 8’ 3”. I also live on the east coast.

Any comments would be appreciated.

Post a better photo of the fin and box.
Do you know what kind of fin is in it?

Looks like a Waveset fin. Is there a bolt at the front and back? If it has a Waveset the board was made around 1968-69. G&S stopped using Waveset by 1970-71

The fin box is a waveset. If you get the photo out of this website and and open it by itself into its own browser tab you can view the photo at full resolution.

W.A.V.E SET Fin box-check
Looks like a Nuuhiwa fin (even with hole) $$$
Skip Frye G&S from the Early vee’s.
An interesting story as I recall.
Some of the WindanSea guys took a journey down under.
To surf and (for Skip) to judge

Skip contacted “headquarters” with advanced intel.
skip got the first one of these, in Taihti (on the trip home)…
Poor Bigler…
Viva the revolution!
Ah, that’s a piece of surfing history

How could you determine if it is a Nuuhiwa fin? I don’t think there are any markings on it. Unfortunately the board is at my parents beach house so I can’t take any pictures or look at it more closely until Memorial Day when I get back down there. Should I take closer pics of the fin or box?

Maybe I’ll find the video.
The fin?
Try this…
(edit) Bing…

Let’s see who’s lookin’, eh?
Here is a gem…
My choice in the day

69 or early 1970. G&S was done with the Wave Set box and Frye was done with G&S (for the most part) later that year. PB Surf Shop remained their main outlet, but other shops like Select Surf Shop were featuring a wide variety of shapers who got tired of the production setting. Younger blood was taking their place… I actually preferred the G&S fin. Lots of Rake and pretty flexy.

The fin looks to be a Greenough. Popular fin choice for vbottoms of that era. It could be the angle of the picture that makes it look like something different. It may possibly be worn or cut down.

It looks like this one. I have some spiderwebbing on the fin from sitting over the winter.