Vintage Hansen info please

Just got this board in trade the other day. Wondering what year and so on? The serial number is 46- 5 or s -67

Another pic

I think the board number is 4667, there is an  S  with a dot on either side if it in the middle of the number.The glass tailblock, with balsa backing,  was discontinued by very late 1965 or very early 1966.      That is consistant with the 4667 board number.     I think you have a personal board of Fred (Buzzy) Smole, one of the shapers.    The letter  S  with a dot on each side of it was Buzzy’s identifier.     My identifier letter, was the letter  T  during my time shaping for Hansen.

Thanks Bill,

can you educate me a little? When was the switch from d fins to more cut back fins? Seems like it happened gradually but, all I see these days are more noserider fins from about 65 and up. 



Good question.     As far back as 1957, both Velzy and Matt Kivlin played around with higher aspect ratio fins.     By 1966 there was much wider appearance of reduced area, higher aspect ratio fins.     By the time frame of 67/68 you could hardly find a classic  D-fin, offered by any of the major surfboard companies.      The major influence on fin design, in that era, was triggered by the designs of George Greenough.