Virgin trying to fix broken board-

I snapped my 7'0 Al Merrick in half and with that came huge pieces of the glass. I pulled all the glass off (pretty clean actually) and i wanted to put it back together. My plan is to glue it up at the breaking point then add 2 stringers, one on each side of the original stringer. Then i was going to try my hand at glassing it up. Help!

1 - What kind of glue is good to use to glue the 2 pieces together ?

2 -  what kind of glue is good to use for the new stringers ?

  1. hot lam resin

  2. hot lam resin

Gorilla Glue works, too.

You’re a virgin? Maybe it’s about time you got your stick wet. As for snapped boards try searching for Bill Barnfields broken board guide somewhere here on Sways.

Thanks for all the info ! I will keep u guys updated and who knows maybe one day i will be able to pass on some knowledge.

Thanks for all the info ! I will keep u guys updated and who knows maybe one day i will be able to pass on some knowledge.

I glued my board today using White Gorilla Glue , it worked real good. Now i am trying to find a place where i can buy 2 or 3 stringers. It is hard to find a place that sells such small quanties. Thanks for the glue tip.

For a snaped board you don’t need a new stringer. The trick is to fix the board without over building one part so it flexes the same. If it is too strong in one spot it will break next to the strong spot.

Some times I use a little balsa wood on the sides of the sringer to help line up the pieces when glueing the halves back together.

Use the search function and look up fixing snaped broken boards ect. Neira and Bill Barnfield both did complete threads on it.

Good luck!


paint stir sticks

I did the search....Bill Barnfield thread...


I use a couple of bundles of roving on either side of the stringer. One nice section of rope on either side, set into a groove you carve out of the foam, bonds to the stringer and the deck glass well, and beefs up the area nicely. You can do it on the deckside and bottom, and fill any voids with filler. What’s nice about using roving instead of wood is that you can mold the roving to fit the groove perfectly, leaving the surface you’re going to glass flush with the stringer, and wider than a paint stick, which gives you more surface area for the glass to bond to. No need to shape down any wood.

We never use stir sticks because it makes it to hard to line up the crack.

Here is a board we fixed for David that broke in half at the solar cell.

It came out pretty good  I believe:



excellant work

whats the solar cell?

It records water temperature from satellite.

I knew that,,,

I was just checkin to see if you know what your talking about,,,LOL!!

What does a satellite have to do with water temperature on a surfboard?

ASK David it’s his customer. PM me for his number.