I just recently came across this bit about volume calculating and it had a volume calculator.I have been using akushaper the last few years and it gives you the volume in your design. I really never gave it much thought ( the volume) because, I was building the board to my specifications and my personal likes. Like to hear what the opinons are on volume and length.
That calculator over volumes for me. Based on some calculations of my current shapes using the formula 1/2 length in inches x width x thickness (+10 for every inch over 6’0) then divide by 60.02, my hpsb’s volume is about 36.7 L or 1.29 cu. ft.
The Firewire volume calculator here: http://www.firewiresurfboards.com/qu…olume_calc.php says I need a minimumvolume of 41 L (max 45) or 1.45 cu ft (max 1.59 cu ft). For the record, I entered 6’6x20x2.75 as my board dims (and that might even be slightly exaggerated), “intermediate/advanced” skill level (I’m way past my prime), average fitness at 49 years old, and 190lbs.
Just for the sake of discussion… My board is not undervolumed. It floats me fine and catches waves as easily, if not easier, than my 7’0 East Coast Gun. I’ll admit it does not paddle like the 7’0… or like even like my fish (volume 38.4 L or 1.35 cu ft). My point to all this is volume is only one indicator of how well a board “fits” you and meets your performance needs. Rocker, foil, template, rail volume… and a bunch of other design elements, but these are the most important to me… all have to be factored in. Consider a wide nosed board with a lot of entry rocker… that board will push a lot of water and be more difficult to paddle. Pull in the nose template, or lower the entry curve and it makes a big difference. Consider a board that’s too thin in the nose, lacking balanced volume in relation to the location of thick point and wide point (center of volume).
I think of overall board volume as most important when paddling, and not necessarily the most important factor in wave catching or overall performance. A balanced foil/rocker/template design matters at least as much. Calculatingvolume is relatively new in the surfboard industry, and it’s getting a lot of attention… and that’s good. It’s an important element of design. But it’s not a “magic number” by any stretch, and is sometimes over emphasized.