Walk the Walk.............

YOu guys are sure dredging up memories in this Geezer. Thinking I used to > surf in the winter in Santa Cruz with nothing but a wetsuit vest on in my > younger days. Yeoowww! I must have really wanted to surf. Plus you only had one board,kept it for years and learned how to ride it.I have a client that has a whole friggin quiver of sticks and can’t ride any of em because doesn’t spend enough time on a board to get it wired.I hope he isn’t watching this because he just gave me another order.On a more serious note I find that there is a growing number of Groms that are showing interest in surf history and the crazy lifestyle.Velzy will become a Saint one day.

Yeh, but the guy who made out the best on the Hollywood “surf” > movies was Phil of Downey, more movie surfboards than were ever sold for > props than for surfing. Jim, I’ve come across different references for Phil of Downey… What is his story and is he still around? Magoo

Hey Magoo,Herb has the inside track on Phil, I only know of the ledgend

Plus you only had one board,kept it for years and learned how to ride it.I > have a client that has a whole friggin quiver of sticks and can’t ride any > of em because doesn’t spend enough time on a board to get it wired.I hope > he isn’t watching this because he just gave me another order.On a more > serious note I find that there is a growing number of Groms that are > showing interest in surf history and the crazy lifestyle.Velzy will become > a Saint one day. …Wooooo,The hawk a saint.A great and fine man,but a saint?Be careful.The Pope just might be checking out Swaylocks.And im pretty sure he know’s Dale.Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaa

…Wooooo,The hawk a saint.A great and fine man,but a saint?Be careful.The > Pope just might be checking out Swaylocks.And im pretty sure he know’s > Dale.Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaa Right after I posted Velzy’s future sainthood a big tree limb fell on to my boat.He is probably closer to those Catholic Priests that we all read about…not the Gay thing but more like innocent young surf chickies.The Hawk is still my hero along with Noll and the rest of the pranksters.

Magoo, I’ll get in touch with my brother and see if I can get an update on Phil. He also had a brother John who was a really good surfer. Johnny took me to Mex. for the first time,Cinco de Mayo 1964.I was only 16 and they told me that if I couldn’t get across the border they were going to leave me there. Did the whole TJ trip,Green Note,Chicago Club. Woke up at San Miguel to only 5 cars in the camp area and 6 to 8 ft perfect waves. I think it was Phil’s son who caused a stink by trying to sue pro surfing a few years back,there was an article in one of the surf mags about it. Kokua

Magoo I talked with my brother and he has no info on what happened to Phil. I might do a little research myself. Aloha , Kokua

Magoo I talked with my brother and he has no info on what happened to > Phil. I might do a little research myself.>>> Aloha , Kokua Kokua, Thanks for checking it out for me – the Downey reference got me going as that is where I live. That Mexico trip sounds like it was good time. Funny, I was born in 1964… Since I’m thanking you already know that I have enjoyed your comments, insights, and tips. Thank you very much for sharing. Aloha, Magoo

Magoo I talked with my brother and he has no info on what happened to > Phil. I might do a little research myself.>>> Aloha , Kokua Kokua, Thanks for checking it out for me – the Downey reference got me going as that is where I live. That Mexico trip sounds like it was good time. Funny, I was born in 1964… Since I’m thanking you already know that I have enjoyed your comments, insights, and tips. Thank you very much for sharing. Aloha, Magoo