Has anybody tried doing a transparent resin tint with UV cured resin with a little catalyst thrown in to make sure that it really kicks? Way I sees it, a light enough tint should allow for a full UV cure, but just in case, I am planning on adding about .3% catalyst to kick it in case the UV doesn’t fully cure way all the way through. Is this to little catalyst to make a difference? Or should I just make sure that the tint is REAL REAL light. Temp is roughly 60 -70 with little to no humidity? Thnaks in advance

The way I see it is, if you’re going to use catalyst, why use UV resin? The thought of a VERY light tint is interesting. Could you just put it on with the hot coat. That would be thin enough, I think, to let it cure all the way through. The color that comes to mind is when you’re looking down through blue water at a sandy bottom - kind of a green blue.>>> Has anybody tried doing a transparent resin tint with UV cured resin with > a little catalyst thrown in to make sure that it really kicks?>>> Way I sees it, a light enough tint should allow for a full UV cure, but > just in case, I am planning on adding about .3% catalyst to kick it in > case the UV doesn’t fully cure way all the way through. Is this to little > catalyst to make a difference? Or should I just make sure that the tint is > REAL REAL light. Temp is roughly 60 -70 with little to no humidity?>>> Thnaks in advance

well I am not a very good glasser. Once the resin is ctalyzed, I panic. thus with such a small percentage of catalyst it should allow me the necessary tme to spread evenly, and then the UV will kick it in the sun. Basically my ineptitude at glassing thought this idea up. BUT putting it in the hot coat sounds interesting, I suppose tht that could be the answer that I am looking for. Maybe have to do some tests.

My limited experience with UV resin is that it will do fine with a little pigment in it. I would avoid coloring the hot coat however. If you manage to sand through (and you will) it will leave a gap in the color.

Well your limited experience is more than mine, so in your opinion, how much tinit is to much for the UV stuff to kick. And do you think there is any sense in adding .3% catalyst just to make sure?

Do a test panel first. I would think that if you could see through it the UV’s could get through.

Do a test panel first. I would think that if you could see through it the > UV’s could get through. With tint you shouldn’t need to use catalyst.Aloha, Kokua

Kokua’s right and so is Scott. The stuff I’ve been using goes off incredibly quick in direct sun and with a little experimentation, you’ll see that you can use a fairly deep tint. I’m kicking myself for the hours wasted waiting for catalyzed resin to go off when this stuff was available right under my nose! I’ve been able to sand within 30 minutes in bright sun after giving a few minutes for the wax to rise.