
i just lam’d a bottom with a moss green tint. it came out very washy looking. very uneven color. i’m guessing it to be a few things…first, it is a darker shade of green which means harder and takes a lot of practice. next, because i didn’t add any other pigment besides the green. should i have added some white to make it finish smoother? finally, because the resin was a little colder than average making it flow a little thicker. are there tricks or tips for when doing darker tints…especially on laps???

what’s a good way to warm up resin? heat mat?

Crock pot - find a crock pot at a secondhand store. Turn it on to low or med-low. Add water and then put your resin in a container and put the container into the crock pot. An electric blanket like you mentioned works too.

My glasser uses an electric blanket on the 55 gal drum to keep a constant temp. but for smaller containers,a heat pad will work also. He also uses a micro-wave to heat up his glossing resin.

Heating pad inside a cardbord box. Most pads have three settings. Put it on low and let it simmer overnight.

When I laminated colors, back in olden days, I didn’t do dark tints. Way to difficult. Moss green… you sure bit off a tough one there. Opaque’s are easier but you have to put a lot of color in. Sounds like you went a bit light on it. The white will make the color more opaque but will also lighten it a good bit. Try hot coating this one with the same green and add more color this time. That may smooth out what you have.

teddy i just started resin tinting recently and my first try was a bright yellow longboard that came out just the way yours did. on my second try i added much more pigment on a lightblue shortboard and it came out perfect. the main thing was more pigment and constant, even pressure. if you have an email i can send you a pic of the newest tinted one.

…A tint job,especially darker colors will show every flaw in your shape.This includes but not limited to:high,and low spots=lighter/darker,scratches,tears,etc,etc,etc. …your glass job will only turn out as well as your shape is finished.Herb

yeah, you can see every scratch and little pinholes. it’s kind of what i expected, but it still looks cool. you can tell it;s a tint. kind of retro looking. any more little tips out there for doing tints?

…Lighter colors,less tint,will help.Herb