Hi everyone, I’m Greg from Switzerland and I’m new here. Here is my web site : www.hosurfboard.ch
I’m following some discussion when I’m lost in the making of my wooden surfboard, thank you so much for all the advices found on swaylocks !
I haven’t found yet an answer to my question…
For several years now I am looking for a wood sealer for my surfboard.
I am sick of polyurethane, epoxy and all those chemical stuff. I want to go the natural way.
I have tried bio source epoxy, but it is actually not 100% ecological …
I once asked myself, how would the ancient boat builder, canoe builder or any water crafts were sealed and made waterproof when the chemical industry didn’t exist?
I found a Japanese way of preserving wood called “Shou Sugi Ban”, a process that actually make you burn the surface of the wood. But it wan’t make the wood waterproof.
I read about the ancient Canoe builders and their recipe for waterproofing, but haven’t tried yet, because I haven’t found the materials.
I am sure and convinced that their is a natural solution to filling the pores of the wood to prevent the water to come in.
So that’s why I am starting this conversation with you.
Many thanks for your reply.