I was wondering what would be a good wave for my 6ft retro Single fin?
I was thinking maybe a Longboarding break at about 3ft?
Thanks in advance.
I was wondering what would be a good wave for my 6ft retro Single fin?
I was thinking maybe a Longboarding break at about 3ft?
Thanks in advance.
Depends on the board (and rider). Post pictures or tell more.
But generally I don’t think a 6’er is meant to be ridden in waves like that. They want a little more push. Try it at pipe.
as the single fin style is more about carving, and doing nice lines, instead of pumping and slashing like most people do on a tri fin, i found that my single fins work better with bigger waves with some juice. Of course it all depends on the shape of your board, i know there are single fins for small waves, as the Mutant shapes from Stu Kenson.
When surfing with a single fin shortboard, i like waves over 4' with some power.
What kind of single fin are you surfing?
Good waves!
Hey Everyone,
I forgot to mention im also a 13year old grom so thats what the 3foot thing was all about. however i do like abit of juice.
A place called wategos at byron bay orthough being a longboard wave i struck it on a powerfull 3ft day which would had been great for my singley ( i didn’t have it then) god thats a Loooooong wave!
I also like broken head aswell.
I know a spot that could also be good. when you said pipe i thought hmmm… the real pipe is probbably to scary for me but down the coast from me is a surf spot called
Wreck bay also known as black rock or Aussie Pipeline.
it breaks ideticly (nearly) to pipe only abit smaller.
only prob is the strong local/indegeones scene down there.
Also the Photo situation…
i have a digital camera.
i used to be able to just plug it in to the computer and the removable (F/ drive would appear in my computer but now i plug it in and the computer recignised my Camera but the removable drive does not appear.
If any one knows how to fix this please reply i cant post any pics at the moment, its driving me insane!.
Your best bet is to try it in as many different waves as you can and see how you like it and what waves it works best in. Guys used to ride single fin boards in everything. Watch 5 Summer Stories, those are all single fins and they rode Pipe and everything else very well.
I grew up learning tosurf on a single fin and still use it to surf when I need a board with a bit more volume for easy wave entry.
I have surfed it in SW France, (Biarritz), in 4-5 ft beachbreaks and also at Guethary, which was insane.
If you’re only 13, a 3ft wall with some power should be just great.