hi, i just hate the look of a board with black dirt wax, mostly it get dirty where i stand and sit on but i like the feel of wax. i want know if anyone tried a deck pads or clear stick-on plastic flim such as flypaper. or other wax that doesn’t get dirty that easily. i’m using sticky bumps now, maybe sex wax will me better??? thanks
also have anyone try the sticky bumps’ Classic wax for longboard, is there any differance between the original wax? and does anyone use a base coat with it. thanks
also have anyone try the sticky bumps’ Classic wax for longboard, is there > any differance between the original wax? and does anyone use a base coat > with it.>>> thanks …I vote for wax…I’ve tried all the sprays,roll-ons,peel n sticks,kicktailed,skin grabing stuff that’s come around in the last 4 decades,and always come back to using just wax,I use a thin coat of bee’s wax on the undercoat,and Quick Humps Sex Wax on top.Herb
…I vote for wax…I’ve tried all the sprays,roll-ons,peel n > sticks,kicktailed,skin grabing stuff that’s come around in the last 4 > decades,and always come back to using just wax,I use a thin coat of bee’s > wax on the undercoat,and Quick Humps Sex Wax on top.Herb herb, where do you get the bee wax from and have you try sticky bumps before, how is it compare to sex wax. also is the bee wax act as a base coat? thanks for all the help
also have anyone try the sticky bumps’ Classic wax for longboard, is there > any differance between the original wax? and does anyone use a base coat > with it.>>> thanks I use grip pads for all my shortboards. I like the stopper on the back, it lets me know that my foot is where I want my turning axis - and I like the looks. Though now that I’m making boards, a new stick isn’t a once a year thing [smile] and putting pads on all of them gets expensive. Regardless, I never put pads on anything over 6’7"… thats just not right. I like sticky bumps, and I hate the dirty look too… so I chage my wax often - works better anyway. slainte,
Wax? Pads? A few years ago after trying various applications with sugar and resin (it works but Like Forrest Gump, you never know what you are going to get) I went to a wind surf shop and bought Redek. Yes, this is the stuff they use on sailboards. So easy to apply. Tape off the rails,rough up deck of board with sandpaper, shake the container of redek and roll it on. Drys in 24 hours and is clear. Upside: my boards are clean looking, I stick like flypaper, throw them in the car on hot days and don’t worry about melting wax.Wax? I don’t buy the stuff. Downside:You won’t be using this board in the tropics and it might wear on your wetsuit a little but they are wearing out quicker these days anyway. If it comes out too rough, you just touch it smooth with sandpaper. If you don’t like it, sand it off. I have had so many people tell me before I paddle out or even in the lineup I need more wax on my board, I just laugh.
If you use wax, here’s a good way to build up a pattern of bumps with a lot of grip for a minimal amount of wax. On a clean deck, take the edge of a bar of wax and mark off an “X pattern” at 45 degree angles to the stringer. Start at the nose, and draw a wax mark going across the stringer at a 45 degree angle. Then another about 1" down, and so forth, until you get to the tail. Then do it again going the other angle. The board will now have an X-pattern of wax lines. That’s all you need to do, just the single wax marks. No buildup necessary. Now, wax the board up normally. The faint X-pattern will create small, sharp ridges very quickly as you apply a top coat.
herb, where do you get the bee wax from and have you try sticky bumps > before, how is it compare to sex wax. also is the bee wax act as a base > coat?>>> thanks for all the help … …bee’s wax sticks ,and stays stuck to anything,like forever in high heat and low cold,with a thin base, you can get maximum adhesion to your board and to your primary wax.I used it in construction with hammer handles,as well as for grip with baseball bats,rather than using pinetar(nasty,over-priced stuff)…Sticky bumps is good,as well as the Palmer’s stuff,I just prefer the claybased QuickHumps that Sex wax puts out,at least for now …anywho. …Craft stores carry bee’s wax, it’s pricey,but you only need a little ,melt it in a pot 50/50 mix with parafin wax,or any combo you’d like to try. …Pinetar,yeah that would work …work at ripping your wetsuit up.Herb