Waxy Hotcoat...

Everytime I glass my board, the hotcoat always seems to go weird on me. Whenever i sand it my pads gum up on me within minutes. Is the wax rising in the resin, should I add more catalyst?

the wax isn’t rising

  1. are you using suncure?

  2. are you sure you’re using hotcoat resin?

I’m using sanding resin.

Howzit Joelyboaly, It may be your sanding resin is old and the wax might have settled in the bottom of the can. Shake the can up real good and try a test. If that doesn't work and the resin was bought recently I'd take it back and tell them it's a bad or to old.We have a hard ware store that has UV resin for $60 a gallon and I told them no one would pay that much since they can get it for $ 37 a gallon down the road and that their resin will sit on the shelf til it goes bad. They are still charging the same amount the resin is stil on the shelf after over 1 year, I wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole. Aloha,Kokua

well, that’s half an answer…now let’s try the other half:

is it a UV catalyst (suncure) or is it catalyzed with MEKP?


assuming that it isn’t just a bad batch of resin, give it a shake (as kokua said) and see if that doesn’t free up some S.A. also, i like to add another little shot of S.A. to the mix. assuming that your batch kicks when it should, don’t alter your catlyst ratio.

Howzit soulstice,Yeah gotta watch that bad resin,seems that the last batch of glossing resin I got from F.H. was old. The 2 glosses I’ve shot with it have not cured evenly and it’s been a headache. Aloha,Kokua

some things even YOUR expertise can’t prevent…sorry about the bad gloss, but it’s nice to see that you really are human like the rest of us.

Guy’s I had the same problem a long time ago. Could be you are mixing the hot coat to hot . It evaporates the styrene or something and goes goey.

Howzit soulslice, Actually the gloss came out OK after taking the board outside, the slower kicking areas went off and least it’s smooth and even. Just watch out for cloudy glossing resin. Aloha,Kokua

OK - How come it (wax) rises to surface when you use it but sinks to the bottom in the can? I’ve been told if you don’t shake it up every time, the wax gets poured out on the first batch and leaves the rest of the resin wax deficient? I think I’m gonna go shake and pour right now and see what happens(?)