we need some help

one of our surf spots here in FL is about to get its only lil ammount of public access taken away from us…

click here to read the original thread

Please note that you have the option of petitioning for any of the items mentioned in the petition. You can write nothing and agree with all of them, write in ‘All’, or just the paragraph number(s) you do agree with and want to petition for- sorry if its complicated.

Get to it! The petition can be signed HERE

You will remain anonymous online.

thank you so much and i hope that in the future that when you need the same help, i can help you produce a huge ammount of numbers

looks more like a hand rail of some type for elderly people to have better access than a fence to block coastal access if you ask me.

see where that car is in the background… they are planning to block that off with a fence…

so this beautiful long rope will no longer be used by anyone except the people that stay at the condos… and more than likely, it will get torn down…

i would rather keep the rope and get rid of the future fence

surfed there a few time… not too much littler but i like how youre looking out for them :wink:


Is that the Indialantic Raddison you’re referring to? and is the access the spot next to the Raddison pool deck with the little deck/seating area in the dunes where folks hang out to chat, check waves, get on the beach, etc?

Wife and I were just down there and contemplating moving to the area and that was one spot I scoped out as a fun little, not too crowded surf spot - had it all to myself for an hour or so one morning.

Regardless of where it is - I’ll gladly sign the petition to maintain access…

Is the local Surfriders chapter involved?

Don’t back down!


i think that they have already got surfrider involved with this…

if not then i’ll check on saturday at surf expo…

please check out the original thread on 2ndlight.com and see how things are going…

orry for the self promotion people but we don’t want this taken away from us and i will make sure that the favor is returned if the same happens to you