Weather and Surf, Resources

So I got into surfing about five years ago here in Taiwan and with my chinese being acquired slowly over that time I realize there’s a lot of surf related knowledge that I’ve never really been able to pick up from other experienced surfers.
One of my areas of ignorance that I would like to address is concerning “weather - surf”
The last few times I’ve stopped by a local shapers shop who is from Hawaii we ended up talking about some of the incoming typhoon swells. And hearing him talk about it I realize how much I don’t know beyond the basics.

So I was wondering if anyone had any good resources, ie books, videos, websites, etc that they could recommend to learn more about how weather patterns affects the surf?

The stormrider book, used to have a really nice wheather and waves formation section.
Also i think the world version would cover your área.
They also have a stormrider travell planer website that might also have info on surf seasons and spots arround you. used to be very detailed

Cheers and good waves.

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I’ve really enjoyed this one:

Both science and anecdotal stories.

Another more broad one on how weather patterns work:

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Cheers, you guys are brilliant!!