Welcome to Tom Wegener

Your contributions will be welcomed. Hope to share some little ones at Noosa in Feb. with ya. 

Roger Kelly(Saf’s Mate)

I am travelling north up aus’s east coast and am hoping to call in and see/meet Tom at Noosa just after new years, I will PERSONALLY extend this welcome too!!!


Looking foward to seeing you again. Please send my regards to the great Saf!

Last time you came we spoke of having lot of boards for people to try. I am still pursuing this goal. Noosa has very consistend quality small surf. With many of the alternative boards, or the wood boards, you don’t need a great wave to get a feel for them. Just a short paddle on the Olo and you can get a tremendous insite to the skill and strenght the ancients possessed in order to actually surf the board. With the laydown Alaia boards all you need is a knee high shore break to have a blast and feel the stoke of the type of surfing. Unlike a new thuster or progressive board, you don’t need a good wave to test the board. Almost every day of the year is a good day to try out the wood boards.

Hopefully by the middle of next year I will be able to organize times to bring a lot of boards down to the beach and let anyone try them.

The joy of surfing has definitely reached a sort of bottleneck where everyone wants to surf the “perfect wave.” But with the laydown Alaia, the perfect wave is a waist high, onshore beach break. Or, on the toothpick is merely a gently cresting swell that never actually breaks. By riding lots of different boards the crowd is spread out a lot more and there is a lot more joy and less agressiveness. When I was young, I never had the opprotunity to ride boards outside the mainstream. I now know that I would have enjoyed surfing a lot more had I known about all the other types of surfing out there.

If anyone else wants to come to Noosa and try lots of wood boards, please occationally check my website to see how the project is coming.

Tom Wegener

Welcome Tom, my buddy is getting a wooden board from you shortly. I’m looking forward to trying it in Irish waves.

Welcome to sways!

Always awesome when the real craftsmen contribute.

I love paulownia, i’ll be scouring your posts for any tid-bits you may let slip… :slight_smile:

Nice to have ya here!!


You work is inspiring. Glad to see you on swaylocks.

tom wegener is here, sick

i just got back from noosa, and i surfed with a friend of yours, tom. i think. his profession was growing and selling bamboo. he had some of those finless boogie board things in his van that you made. we were talkin design for a little bit, then i had to leave.

im glad your here though. thats awesome.


Your shaping philosophy and lifestlye is something I aspire to. Welcome to the board (pun intended). I look forward to reading your posts…

Welcome Tom,

Really glad you decided to join in, I’ve been following your work for a while, truly beautiful craftsmanship.

I enjoyed your article in Drift magazine, looking forward to reading your posts.
