were to EPS foam in nz ?

Sounds like someone could set up and offer EPS downunder.  5K isn’t exactly a huge investment in a business.  Top 16? … did you notice Kelly and Taj on the beach at pipeline with their epoxy shooters?  The future of custom board building is doing it all.

I happen to like light boards, actually i f##ken love them. the lighter the better. dont get me wrong i like PU boards i have a walden fish in my quiver (qaud) and its a great board. but i can feel the difference weight cause's for things like hoping on to the lip, its more laboured with a pu.


chris ward rides epoxy/eps too btw

there are heaps of pep's riding them but it will only grow i think.

and there is recycling for eps in every capital city in aus, it aint hard to pull fibreglass and then do the right thing with the core afterwards if it comes to its end.

claw  enviromental in perth does it  here FYI

i ve been there to get eps for free, to  build boards!

I have surfed surftech for 5 years then started to build my own based on how those boards rode for me and lasted. then bert came along and blew my mind with what can actually be done en you know how.

i love eps

kiss kiss

Dane Reynolds too.

I use EPS because


  • my wallet is empty
  • skills are not awesome yet
  • I can get cheap glass and resin
 when I stop experimenting and know more about what I want to shape then I will enjoy spending more on foam until then...

EPS seems to compress eventually even with 3x 6s of glass top and bottom even over a  carbon rail.

If you have a rocker table it means you dont have to bugger up the bottom by bending flat blanks to create rocker.

styrobeck will cut out most shapes. talk to them about the file format  and dimension restrictions before you do anything.


seeing as we are discussing NZ  sourcing. Where can I get Paulownia? or balsa? XPS?

Hi Toaster

Airsale for balsa. They'll custom cut. Or you can buy it in large sizes and cut yourself


Whole logs of Paulownia from.. but you will probably have to organise the milling and drying yourself - they might be able to recommend where to go.


Roy may also be able to help you with Paulowna too..



When you find out about xps let me know!



heres a pick of my 1st try at a diy homemade 28kg eps blank, its been a good learning curve so far pu blank would be less work but i am glad i have given this a go



i glassed that ixps board. its tough as f#ck and light as compsand.i used just crappy glass from the marine shop. epoxy is horrible to sand


 paul these guys suffer post clark stress       eps is there security blanket

Cover Up

Huie I was one of the post clark stressed out goofballs.

I just shaped some PU this week end and after glassing they are 5.25 pounds. The PU I did three weeks ago from US Blanks have very little deck dents after hard abuse. If they were Clarks they would have had concaved decks. The PU these day is actually better and shaping it is a dream. I still do my share of EPS however I use only the Molded Tight Fused because it's easier to shape. The hotwired construction foam is a nightmare to shape and it needs to be spackled. PU Epoxy with S Cloth is pretty cool. CDD would be even better if you can find it?

Kind regards,




thanks for that  Karl.

TS not sure if kids make the best shaping stands but I dig the Greenough haircut

this a bit of topic but  eps blank ready for glass
