I was given a gift certificate to West Marine for the holidays. I thought I might use it towards my first glass job. West Marine doesn’t have any of the brands I generally see on this discussion board. Any one have any opinions or experience with either of these products (West System Epoxy or Evercoat Polyester Resin Surface & Lam). Is it suitable, or should spend the money on some new fishing gear? Thanks for the help!
I was given a gift certificate to West Marine for the holidays. I thought > I might use it towards my first glass job. West Marine doesn’t have any of > the brands I generally see on this discussion board. Any one have any > opinions or experience with either of these products (West System Epoxy or > Evercoat Polyester Resin Surface & Lam). Is it suitable, or should > spend the money on some new fishing gear? Thanks for the help! Get the fishing gear.
I was given a gift certificate to West Marine for the holidays. I thought > I might use it towards my first glass job. West Marine doesn’t have any of > the brands I generally see on this discussion board. Any one have any > opinions or experience with either of these products (West System Epoxy or > Evercoat Polyester Resin Surface & Lam). Is it suitable, or should > spend the money on some new fishing gear? Thanks for the help! The local boat shop has a piece of set west epoxy with some bolts and nuts in it to show the capabilities of it(?!). It’s unbelievable yellow! It’s propably quite OK to use though, just cover it with some good UV protecting varnish. Here’s a test of different epoxies: http://www.oneoceankayaks.com/Epoxtest.htm regards, Håvard
I was given a gift certificate to West Marine for the holidays. I thought > I might use it towards my first glass job. West Marine doesn’t have any of > the brands I generally see on this discussion board. Any one have any > opinions or experience with either of these products (West System Epoxy or > Evercoat Polyester Resin Surface & Lam). Is it suitable, or should > spend the money on some new fishing gear? Thanks for the help! West Systems is a good system. It can be difficult to use in surfboard applications. But West Marine is very expensive. There are other sources for epoxy resins. Get the fishing gear. It is probably a better deal.
West Systems is a good system. It can be difficult to use in surfboard > applications. But West Marine is very expensive. There are other sources > for epoxy resins. Get the fishing gear. It is probably a better deal. Joe - thanks for the advice. I’ve used West Systems for boat repair, and had no problems. How is it difficult to work with? You’re right though, fishing gear may be the better investment, especially when you’ve lost two rigs in the drink last season (never take your buddies offshore fishing if they have never fished before, or at least let them use cheap equipment!)
Joe - thanks for the advice. I’ve used West Systems for boat repair, and > had no problems. How is it difficult to work with? You’re right though, > fishing gear may be the better investment, especially when you’ve lost two > rigs in the drink last season (never take your buddies offshore fishing if > they have never fished before, or at least let them use cheap equipment!) Epoxy resin is generally harder to sand out. So getting a nice finish can be tough. Some people also have problems with the resin draining and getting a dry lamination as the resin tends to go off slower. There are other epoxies with faster gel times.