I have an a winter suit 6/5/3 and the tape is just starting to lift off the seams in a couple of places. Nothing major but I was wondering if anyone out there new of a fix!!! Thanks

I have an a winter suit 6/5/3 and the tape is just starting to lift off > the seams in a couple of places. Nothing major but I was wondering if > anyone out there new of a fix!!!>>> Thanks Use aquaseal it’s bombproof you can find it at any dive shop or even sport chalet . Make sure you buy the accelerator to speed up the drying time.


Use aquaseal it’s bombproof you can find it at any dive shop or even sport > chalet . Make sure you buy the accelerator to speed up the drying time. Yeah the aquaseal is really good, but use it sparingly on the inside when gluing the seams (especially the areas that will be flexing). I re-glued the tape that was comming off behind the knees of my 5/4/3 but after a four hour session over the w/e, I now have two huge rashes on the back of my legs.

It’s bomb proof but doesn’t stretch worth a darn either. I’d hate to see your 6/5 get any less flexible. Probably in this case, a little dab will do ya.

what if you have a tiny tear starting on the outside of the suit? will that aquaseal stuff fix that up too? if not, is there anything else i can use?

what if you have a tiny tear starting on the outside of the suit? will > that aquaseal stuff fix that up too? if not, is there anything else i can > use? Hey Steve the only reason I know about the stuff is because a guy went over the falls on his longboard and it speared me in the back of my hip. So I used it on three holes in the back of my new 4/3. I cut a old wetsuit and made a tiny patch for the largest hole about an inch long on the inside and then sealed it from the outside as well. I t dries with the consistancy of epoxy . Once again it’s bombproof.

I could not imagine having to wear a suit heavier than a 3/2. I guess the trade off of colder water for bigger waves is worth it.

what if you have a tiny tear starting on the outside of the suit? will > that aquaseal stuff fix that up too? if not, is there anything else i can > use? Hey steve, if the tear is all the way through, try and stich the tear up with dental floss and use the sealent over that.

Hey steve, if the tear is all the way through, try and stich the tear up > with dental floss and use the sealent over that. I don’t know much about shaping boards but I’ve fixed quite a few suits over the years. I don’t really like aqua seal that much(no stretch, peels off after awhile) , I found some neoprene cement that is sold at surf shops (don’t have the name off hand) to be really good. It is has a runny consistency, put it on both sides, wait 5 minutes. Put it on both sides wait 10 minutes and clamp. Holds very tight and doesn’t affect the stretchiness. I was told that it is the glue Manufacturers use when constructing suits. Just my 2 cents worth. Great sight, very educational. Good waves to all!

There a gal here in town runs “Blown out” that sews new suits and fixes them professionally. She recommends “Seal Cement” by AQUASEAL McNett Corp. Bellingham, Wa. It works great! Good Surfin’, Rich

I could not imagine having to wear a suit heavier than a 3/2. I guess the > trade off of colder water for bigger waves is worth it. Mike, 6-5-4 / 7mil boot’s / 5 mil gloves here. The trade off is: The crowds are gone and the typical winter nor’easters make for some of our best waves. Over the past few years the wet suits with their new technology have made it more enjoyable.

6-5-4 / 7mil boot’s / 5 mil gloves here. The trade off is: The crowds are > gone and the typical winter nor’easters make for some of our best waves. > Over the past few years the wet suits with their new technology have made > it more enjoyable. How bearable is it even wearing all the rubber?

How bearable is it even wearing all the rubber? Ross, It’s not so bad. It’s not like going from extreme hot-cold. I’ll go from a shortie to a 3/2sleeves only to a 3/2 to a 4/3 to a 5/4/3 then the 6/5/4. The alternative is not surfing from November-May and that can lead to the surfless DT’s. This year has been a fluke. We have had the mildest winter since they have been keeping track (last 100 years). In addition our average snowfall is appox. 27". This year we’ve had about 7", but we still have to deal with March yet ???

anyone here from new jersey? what type of suit are you wearing? i might go with a 3/2 with a hotshirt underneath, not too sure JERSEY IS DA SHIT

not from jersey, but this year i broke down for a new fullsuit and went with a 4/3 Xcel. it’s all super stretchy rubber and way more comfortable and flexible than my oneill 3/2 from only two years ago. it’s amazing how far wetsuits have come in performance. how long it lasts might be a different story but i haven’t been cold once this winter. for below 60* water i’ll never go back.

anyone here from new jersey? what type of suit are you wearing? i might go > with a 3/2 with a hotshirt underneath, not too sure JERSEY IS DA SHIT If you like Boardwalks, Irocs and Cheesteaks then NJ is da shit, but yeah we do get waves every now and again. Teddy, I’m from Jersey and you’re probably gonna need more than that, although I dunno how well the hotshirt works. I have a 5/4/3 (need the attached hood) with 7 mil boots and 5 gloves and I can pull a four hour session in 38 degree water. The new suits really are that good, so you’re not compromising flexibilty. Great investment.

anyone here from new jersey? what type of suit are you wearing? i might go > with a 3/2 with a hotshirt underneath, not too sure JERSEY IS DA SHIT I am from South Jersey and wear a 4/3, boots and gloves. until the water drops below 50. When the water get colder than that I get out, which means from Dec. to late April I am sitting on the beach.

Dont complain about the cold!!!..We here in New England deal with cold all the time…the new wetsuits are great!!! and the nor easters are better! and no crowds are the best!!! surfing with ya buds trading waves not a bad deal for february!!! bring on the snow!!!.. we want a swell!!!..