
Drag factor negligible, and surfers rarely experience the same air > velocities or forces as do sailboarders… buying custom removes a fair > bit of any excess material that might be present in a non-custom… plus > as Nels stated, its common practice to purge any excess air out of the > suit just prior to use. Its a subject worthy of further investigation.>>> Dale I agree completely. Matt

I agree completely. Matt ps-thanks everyone for your input…very informative and helpful. Matt

Old thread, but any new revelations? My 4/3 allows me to surf new england 6 months of the year. I wear it in warmer months, even, cuz I don’t wanna buy a 3/2 again… thinkin’ about a 5/4 for the winter…anybody in de chilly climes got up to date opinions on this year’s wetsuits? I don’t wanna drop hundreds onna piece of junk!! Thanks, D