Wetting the laps...Practice

I came across a great way to practice wetting your laps tonight. Don’t laugh until you try it…

  • Find a wall, preferrably under 3’ tall.

  • Stand at a 45 degree angle and try to piss no less than 6" from the top, but as far outward as posible.

  • Try to “wet the wall” all the way to the bottom in 2 or less passes…

Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it…Works great. :wink:

uhhh okay, gotcha.

You, my friend, have drank too many beers! After a six pack you should have had plenty enough material to completely saturate your “lap” or leg or any other nearby surface …hopefully not the BED! Its always a good idea to have enough material!!!

Sick man! Seeing the shapes in the world around us!



Ok, so I tried all night… practice, practice, practice, but I keep getting dry spots, and funny discolored spots? When will this wetting out ever get easy?


I was only able to saturate maybe the length of a fish, but with practice I’m sure

I can “wet the laps” of a longboard.

Hint Keep the stream movin’

Don’t get the deck or you’ll waste resin…


I was starting to get the hang of it, but then my nieghbor brought the cops in on it, restraining orders, all that stuff.

Now I’m really in a tight spot… wetting out those little round bars in the cells is very tough.


I was starting to get the hang of it, but then my nieghbor brought the cops in on it, restraining orders, all that stuff.

Now I’m really in a tight spot… wetting out those little round bars in the cells is very tough.

You probably wouldn’t have any trouble finding some extra “Hands” to help ya ;>

sorry couldn’t resist…


Outstanding practice tip, Tenover. Anxiously awaiting your advice on Acid Splash practice technique. Throwing s–t on the sidewalk and smear it around? Mike

Hello, I’m a washed up oldtimer at 51, LOL. I suffer from CHF (chronic heart failure), Hepatitis C, and kidney damage, and I couldn’t even paddle out at Trails Sunday when it was four foot! I almost reached normal exercise levels during my treadmill test Monday, but my blood pressure was above 200! Egad. At least I did not die on the treadmill like someone else did that day. But I still have a keen interest in surfing, and I was anxious to try a new idea my shaper, Norm Irvin, T-Street Surfboards (one of his customers bought his shop in San Clemente) did last summer. I spent the hospital in the summer so I have not got to try it. The idea is a 3 fin (Greenough base fin), seven footer, with handles on the top middle part of the board. I got the handles from a sporting goods store. I noticed someone posted about Rolf Aurness. I used to surf alongside him at Riviera in the late sixties. He was into “power surfing” using a boat and water skii back then at Cotten’s Point. I saw him take the first twin fin to the water. I got to try a three-fin owned by Curt Miller later that summer, which worked well. It didn’t surprise me when they resurfaced. I was lucky enough to see Simon bring the first 3 finner to the North shore. He fell off a perfect pipeline wave, and his board planed across the wave, and made it, without him. That was during the 81 Pipe Masters. The only time I ever saw Rolf again was at “Lefts and Rights” when a lawyer let me surf the Ranch with him. I sent that article Kampion wrote, that’s in his new book, to Brad McCaul, who I saw at our 30th high school reunion. Brad is deep into religion these days. He surfed like Tom Carroll before tom Carroll in my opinion. Just as Eric Hopps surfed like Slater twenty years before Slater did. One afternoon I saw Corky, Brad, and Rolf lay waste to Cotten’s one early autumn afternoon, sitting and talking with Ron Stoner, the photographer, and it inspired me to surf. Bob Lombard is the only guy around that still bottom turns like those guys did. Oh, before anyone else lays a claim, I was one of the first to sing the praises of the hybrid board (see SURF magazine, Winter issue 1978), but no one every gives me any credit. Who cares? I got to surf some great waves at Riviera, San Onofre, San Clemente State Park, Lower’s, Queen’s, Three’s, Upper’s, River Jetties, Lanieakea, Haliewa, RP, Off-the-Wall, and Pupukea. As a final note to this discussion, I owned boards shaped by Hawk, Brewer, Martin, McTavish (thanks to Andrew Mckinnon), Fitzy, Stewart, Midget, Max, Kroll, and others, but the best board I ever owned was a Phil Edwards. I wrote about it in 78 article. If you are deep into surf design you should try a heavier board to truly appreciate what Phil was riding. It was not just about low rails. Norm irvin is a high IQ shaper, rare, and I will tell him about this forum. He has some interesting longboard designs. Since I’m pretty much finished with surfing because of my overgrown heart, I’ll share a secret spot with you. Try surfing South of San Onofre at the Powerplant on a 4-6 SW swell. It’s a long, empty right reef break, with sections, but the best bowl section in the area when it’s on, although the left bowl at Barbed Wires is comparable. The best advice I can give people is avoid eating too much salt! It gave me heart failure, which you definitely do not want. It tears my guts out to have a quiver of great boards, money and time to travel and surf, and not be able to surf. At least my woman, a cardio nurse at Loma Linda, takes good care of me. Aloha to anyone out there, especially if I dropped in on you, and to my surfing friends worldwide I met at Foo’s Zoo. If you do a search on Mark Foo, you can read my observations of him.


Thanks for dropping in. If you can’t paddle out in four foot, paddle out in two foot. But, keep paddlin out. Don’t want to die in bed do you? Unless its with your woman. Glad she’s takin care of you and drop in with some “story”. Mike