I’ve been working on a longboard for a long time now. I shaped it and then called foamez about some paint options. they told me to just use a waterbased paint from a paint store and did. i then glassed it with some shady resin a guy sold me and it stayed WET for over a month. finally i tried to take care of that mess. then i got some good resin and did an awesome job on the top of the board glassing and hotcoated both sides. at the end of it all i have airbubbles varying in size. some are a centimeter wide and an inch to 2 inches long. a couple of months after glassing, new air bubbles started popping up only they’re HUGE and hard popping off the board. this one i talk about is at the foot of the board on top. WHAT DO I NEED TO DO? i’ve spent way too much time and money to let this board go, so please anyting will help. i’m buying a makita gv5000 tomorrow for the rest of our boards, as mine was our first and the latter look good. thanks a lot.

Sounds like a latex paint that went on too thick and glazed over with moister still trapped beneath the dried surface, not much to do now but ride it til it dies

isnt there ANYTHING i can do to at least prolong the life?

like sand it out smooth and coat it with another hotcoat or something, or maybe cut out the bubbles and patch like a ding repair?

  • how long do you think it’ll last



Listen carefully to the sage words of the revrend jim the g. … not much,ride it are specific …when it dies strip it and do it again without so much paint ,thickness that is…when painting is such a high priority you may wish to make another to ride and hang this one as a memento,or memorial to your naieve self steadily into the past…wait someone else will soon arrive wearing your old naieve hat lamenting laminating gone wrong…ambrose… I have a twisted reworked fin board I made in 1969 that sits at the back of my shed that will simply not go… I made it for a guy named deiter that neveer rode it and I never rode it even though I bought it back from him …IT IS HORRIBLE worse than a reshape the galss job and shape were done at the Hanapepe surf shop and I cut out the brewer and scribbled ambrose on the lam… skip harmon let me do it there 1969 … if you never ride it it has a halflife of at least a hundred years

What does it say about those of us who hang on to and immortalize our past “throwaways” in life. Seems many of us know where to find that old albatross we keep stashed away in the dusty corner of our shops…a reminder of things and times past …just can’t seem to toss out the us that once was, and just might sneak back out if we’re not too careful. I can hear him…“Ahh grasshoppa, good to keep handy those reminders to stay on it til it be right”.


“… if you never ride it it has a halflife of at least a hundred years…” oh damn…you mean my mishapen mutant miscreations will be around to mock me long after my carcass is pushing up daisies ? The hell with that ! …I feel a meat cleaver psycho board attack coming on… “chip” “what a mess” …even worse if it becames a rad[io]active ***GLOWING **** mess !!

The problem is the paint on the foam. You could probably strip off the glass and reshape it into something smaller. Just be sure that all of the painted foam is gone. For painting foam, use Liquidtex paint in the plastic tubes sold at craft stores. If you can afford it, use Novacolor paint. Thin it with Future floor wax if needed. Don’t put it on too heavy and be sure it’s dry before you start glassing.