What a pig pile..................lowers 08/23/02

…Tried my new 6’6" at lowers yesterday,I’m very happy with it’s preformance.There were some of overhead waves to be had if you waited.It’s bad to have to weave your way through a crowd on take off though,(about 30-40 on the peak).Reminded me of Sunset,or rocky Point.Herb

…Tried my new 6’6" at lowers yesterday,I’m very happy with > it’s preformance.There were some of overhead waves to be had if you > waited.It’s bad to have to weave your way through a crowd on take off > though,(about 30-40 on the peak).Reminded me of Sunset,or rocky Point.Herb …after yesterday,I’m convinced,for me it’s Red-X.Herb

…after yesterday,I’m convinced,for me it’s Red-X.Herb herb, which redx templates are working best for you?

herb, which redx templates are working best for you? …I prefer the X-7s in the composite material,if you want a little lighter,and slightly stiffer fin try the carbon-lites.If you max stiffness the fiberglass ones or the aercore are it. …The other Red-X fin temp.s I like are the X-2s,and X-1s.I haven’t given the rest a fair test yet,but in time I will have the results. …What I like about the Xs is they don’t wash out like the FCS fins do in more critical situations.(not as much water rushing under the base of the fin,more positive base area),and they fit so flush to the surface of the board, that it looks like there glued on.Herb

my red x system is great, but a little heavy imo. so i keep aercor fins on there and am loving them. i have composite fcs but no composite red x fins to try. what do you think the difference in riding will be, i’m assuming a little more forgiving, but a little less drive and stiffness.

my red x system is great, but a little heavy imo. so i keep aercor fins on > there and am loving them. i have composite fcs but no composite red x fins > to try. what do you think the difference in riding will be, i’m assuming a > little more forgiving, but a little less drive and stiffness. …I like the composites the best,because of my wt.(140lbs).I get the same flex or better than my FCS black plastic composites.Plus I noticed today riding my 8’1" gun that the fcs tend to wash out and are less drivey. …As far as wt. in the tails of my boards, my fcs boards tend to be equal in wt. to my Red-X boards,my glass-on tails are the lightest.Have you done a comparison?Herb