what are my options with spraying my polyester blank? what kind of paints?

so i want to do some color on my new board, second one i have ever made, what paint? oil? water? laytex in sprayer? earl knows, you out there? anyone?

its polyester.



For a cheap option, auto acrylic works great. It also comes in a spray can, so its easy to use.



I use Createx airbrush paint. Awesome stuff, easy to use. You can use a cheap airbrush to spray em. Pic of my first 6 boards I made.

Those are much better than mine !!

those are sweet! i am kinda in a jam on cash so i dont want to buy anything. have ya ever heard of thined out latex in sprayer? what is that creatix stuff?

Flat latex hose paint. "Key Word" FLAT.  The lower the acrylic content the better.   Tempera artist paint latex acrylic.  Pang.

Just re read your post.  On  a finished board you can use just about anything in the way of rattle cans.

I think Createx is Acrylic Latex, thins and cleans up with water. It’s basicallly made for an airbrush or a bigger automotive touch up gun. Thinned Latex might work, lay it on very light, that way if you dont like you can sand it off. Better yet test paint some scrap cut-offs.

I think McDing is on to something, gloss or semi might clog up the pores of the foam which isn’t good for glassing. The stuff I use dries flat.

Beerfan I like the pac-men thing, it matches the tail.

My son and I use acrylic spray paks too, I have used an airbrush when I sprayed boards for other labels years ago but find the spray paks are pretty good, just have to use them smart and tape up all areas very well, use sharp razor blades but they do the job well, light coats so you dont clog up foam and resing wont work in, then you can get some crystizing and possible delams.....I was gunna post some pics but easier to just have a look on my site, www.moresurfboards.com , just click on 'ART' and see the boards, most are done with spray paks but there are some fabric inlays and tints there too.....

I wasn't sure really if you were referring to a shaped blank or a sanded hot coat.  I think most of you know that whatever paint you use on a sanded hotcoat would require a compatible sealer.  I have sprayed many a blank with plain old house paint.  I usually do stick with interior because it has less acrylic in it than exterior paints do.  As I stated previously always use flat.  Eggshell and semi- gloss will delam.  A  glass job on an eggshell or semi-gloss paint job will peel like a banana.  I have also used :Pang Tempera.  When you compare the price of a quart of flat acrylic paint to some of the "artsy" airbrush paints it's a no brainer.  A quart goes a long way.  I always thin and strain, applying two coats to insure solid coverage.  Don't over thin.  Let the first coat dry before applying the second.  You can thin with water, water with a little dish detergent in it (not too much) or an acrylic thinner like some of the supply houses sell.  Never had any problem with it.  I've glassed over it and glossed over it.  No problem.  Hope that clarifys.


so i want to do some color on my new board, second one i have ever made, what paint? oil? water? laytex in sprayer? earl knows, you out there? anyone?


Paint on the foam??? The paint will need to be water based....

Location matters...The Brands of paint in California are not the same as Denmark or England.....

water based only you say ?, I have used both for many years, but now only use acrylics and enamels, no water based paints at all...


water based only you say ?, I have used both for many years, but now only use acrylics and enamels, no water based paints at all...



Like I said...location matters...why no location in your profile ? ......

I can buy awesome paints that will melt EPS foam with one coat....I can paint boards that will bleed and look like crap after glassing. Over here...at my house...you need to use water based paints for surfboards....

I would love to learn more about the paints that you use.

I'm just a back yard hack....I don't really care if the new guy has a meltdown or not......

...But..... if he was here. At my house I would use Water Based Acrylic Paint on the foam blank. Then I would glass the board with RR epoxy resin.

 But that's just my opinion...and we all have on of those,,,,,,,,,,,


 Here's a few done with the latex craft paint from Wal Mart, I use equal amounts of paint and water, strain it and shoot it with a hvlp gun on the foam also I've used acrylic laquers on hot coats that work well but the fumes are terrible


Tom - beautiful work, as always.  Not to hijack here, but do you mind telling us how you lay out the quad setup on your boards?

Ancient Chinese Secret

I did not know they made polyester blanks?

i guess that was the wrong terminology but if you want to get me down we can go wave for wave? then i can show you how lame my board is! crushing sierra nevada!

Ok you win.