What are you working on? Post your current project here.

I’m working on an all redwood board. It is going to be a HWS. I have been practicing making bead-and-cove rails. Here is a test piece I made of a cross section of the rail…

I just started a new thread for this project: Speedy Red Board Project

In just that one practice piece, above, your skill as a woodworker is quite evident. Good show.

Lots of firsts for me. First time I designed my own template, and design concept. First resin color. First cutlap. First Probox install. First Gloss. First Fins

Currently in process:

On the rack: 510" new fish, haven’t decided on tail bump,

customer said do what you want!

Standing: Right 7’6" Big Boy Indo special (for Cold Springs)

           9'5" HiPo Noserider (with towel, LOL) 

           9'6" Church Special, USMC approved, customer 

           back from Iraq in July 

           10'6" Harbour SanO major multilple ding repair jobs 

Overhead: 7’10" Girlie Fun board for Mondos surfer

In December i got a 1’x2’x8’ block of 2# EPS and a 6’9" bamboo fish stringer from greenlight, which i used as a template for pvc stringers. Hundreds of swaylock hours later, I have a skimboard and 3 boards all in various stages:

  • 6’6" Laser Zap (picture attached, just hot coated this am). This was inspired by the Cheyne Horan thread. Tail 10", Nose 11", wide point is 9" back from center and 21"

  • 6’8" MR twin copy. I have a 7’0" and a 6’4" thats too small for me. Boy, the bottom contours are not as easy as they look. i have a new appreciation for 1980’s bottom technology

-6’8" Bonzer 3 Bumblebee; blank is templated

all the above will have pro box. One big lesson learned, i LOVE the Red Devil Lightweight spackle.

Thanks to all you Swaylockians for the inspiration

Shaped two stringerless Ice 9 blanks. I couldn’t think of an original name, so I called this one, “Filet O Fish”:

It’s big brother is in the background. I liked not having stringers. Felt really free. So much so that I didn’t use a template – did them both by eye. Didn’t take any measurements, didn’t do anything except have fun. They’ll probably both surf like crap, but it was a blast.

I’m working on my apprenticeship under the tutelage of lillibel03 and sir cannon.

“The Donger”

They look good to me. Get the right fins in the right spots and they will surf better than “crap”. Bet you will even have MORE FUN riding em.

Lookin’ good. How about an outline shot?

i just finished shaping my #6. its a 6’ x 20.5 x 2.5 quadfish for my girl anna.

im really happy about how it came out. uts at the glasser right now, cant wait to get it wet in portugal in july. some pics…





it will get lokbox AK4s, a white tint with 3 golden yellow resin bands at the nose. take care,


compsands 2,3 and 4

My first two shaping attempts, a 6’3" quad shortboard and a 5’10" fish. The 6’3" was shaped from a Clark 6’4"R, I’ve had the blank for a few years. Probably not the best blank to start with because it was very close tolerance. I know I overshaped it, mostly the concave, It ended up being just over 2 1/16" thick. Hopefully the extra width at 19.5" will help it float me.

The fish was shaped from a Teccell 6’2" kneeboard blank. I realized early on this blank had too much rocker to yield a good thick traditional keel fish. I would sacrifice too much thickness if I planed it flatter. I will most likely make it a quad.

Next up, glassing.

What started as a 6’8 fish 3"T has is now getting cut down 1/4" thinner and maybe shorter.


working on my 5th board, a 7’6" bonzer 5. putting the bottom hotcoat on tonight. hopefully i’ll have it done by the end of the month…

Great thread… Gonna Try a 12` 6" compsand SUP… Bending my brain just thinkin about the rocker table…

Good luck to all…

hooking into my third hollow timber board.

this one’s a 7’2" 19.1/2 2 5/8 single fin gun designed for big bells.

all cedar with a small amount of pine for contrast on the deck and bottom.

cant wait to surf it!

Just finished this 7’-2" quad-thing yesterday.

First foray into foiling wood fins - baltic birch plywood…inspired by BB post. Double bumps, single to double concave - can’t wait to surf it.

Also have a 6’-5" retro single fin ready for glass - will start that as soon as my wife forgives me for spending so much time with the quad.


Just finished a fish and a longboard. current project is cleaning up.

new paddle for me

solid basswood shaft (1-1/8 x 1-3/8) and 1/4’’ balsa blade

making some friends happy with some 5’9 eps quad feeshes

5’10 fangtail quad for me! its not sanded yet in this pic. first probox install. had some issues with it (i am used to futures) but am very excited about the prospect of easily making lots of fins for it! I want to get a sheet of 1/4’’ g10 and just grind a bunch out…

I have been doing everything lately - making up new rocker profiles, cutting them out, gluing up the blanks with stringers, shape, glass, sand, making fins and paddles…well not EVERYTHING…I had some woodworking buddies plane and rip the basswood for me into shafts and some stringers…but keeping myself busy! boards are backing up because it takes me so long from start to finish for each one but it is a lot of fun this way!



Lookin’ good. How about an outline shot?

Sorry, didn’t see this post until today.

I checked, and this is the closest I have for an outline. I’ll take a true outline shot later, but it’s just gone under glass so I don’t want to move it until it cures.

I’m actually going to use something based on the speedialer fin placement numbers that you posted a while back – hoping it turns out well!