What became of.................................

What became of the notice of ‘‘new posts?’’       You know, the number of new comments, after the previous last post.     It was helpful.        And what’s with the new larger type?     It’s like a third grade reader now.     Just curious.     Anyone else miss it?

The forum software that runs on this site is a disaster.  Just all over the place.  Love the content but absolutely hate the platform its on.

I think “new posts” is now “go”, over on the far right.

The new font / size is probably temporary, tweaking websites is not easy, kinda progresses in fits and jumps, with glitches and unintended changes along the way, most of which gets ironed out over time.

Thank you.

Ctrl and - keys will reduce font and overall display size on a website. Some browsers remember the settings and keep things as is when you come back to that site. You can also dictate only the font size in some browsers.



Things seem to change at random, but I am seeing both “Go” plus “new” highlighted in yellow

Like this:


I kinda misunderstood - re reading Bill’s question, he refers to the number of new posts.  The new posts number now shows in the upper right corner of the first post of the thread.  “Go” just takes you to the most recent post.  

Thanks for that Sammy!



If good, we know what Mr. Paler has been doing!!



Surfing Ocean Beach that is…

I think this page is the best one for checking out the number of new posts on the current threads, at a glance…
