Looking to build a egg in the 8’ foot range. Big enough to paddle but small enough for bigger days. I was wondering what others have been using for blanks and if anyone has any good dimensions of boards they’ve built.
Let’s try this again! …try a 6’-11"R OR A 7’-4"R in blue,Herb.
7-11R for 7-5 to 7-10. 8-4R for an 8-0. 8-3E is also a good plug if you want a little more thickness in the nose. 15-22-14 3\4 is a good starting point for dimensions. aloha!
OOPs Sorry, wrong board size…sheesh!Herb.
check out the 8’4" R
check out the 8’4" R I would agree – be aware 8’4" R generally nets a pretty lean board. Standard tail rocker is a little gunny. I would recommed adding +1/8 to + 1/4 in the tail --if you can get it as the tail is pretty thin to start. Start your outline closer to – but considering a positive rocker adjustment – the tail as the nose of the 8’4"R has abundant rocker. The 7’11 R is a more friendly board to shape – hard to go wrong with it. Shine http://users.leading.net/~shine