Just sittin here watching the river run…
Wrong! Eeeet. Get to the back of the line and do not pass go.
The right size sun/star with planet just the right diameter, volume and surface area and a nice wittle moonie and OH MY LORD is we lucky, say hallelujah, brothers. Feel the rain, feel the pain? Salt water tears and sea of red blood cells powered by an electro WAVE of pulsation, sensation long ago subconsciously filed in the card catalogue, fifth drawer down, forty rows over in category 52900-7693-miracleoflife.
Just cause the Earth is a lucky bitch, don’t think that she can always roll snake eyes or human eyes for that matter and I don’t mean auntie. Sweaty, demanding digits pawing and grasping. Packed tight and tucked in but bubbling to the surface like the magma in a teenagers genes. Mind if I shout at your twister, Pecos? I’ll draw out my meaning, sketch it out in the sand, but look quick - the reefs are dry we must head for HIGH land. Old age isn’t for sissies.
Incoming! This perfect planet was just the right distance to melt those giant ice comets to VW size (the peoples car), when the cosmos bombarded Earth with mega hail stones and carbon and elements and copper-top contents. Shake, stir and (irradiate) serve with plenty of ice ages - somebody unlatched and opened the gate. Well are you feeling lucky, punk? This is the most powerful universe known to man… go ahead make my day.
And still somehow it’s clouds illusions I recall. (Judy Collins) Total recall. Total denial. Last of the miracles you can see. Not a bleeding water spot that looks like the Virgin Mary, but tons and tons of water disguised as a cloud with cape pulled tightly but flowing - nature sneaks some well drawn meaning right over our heads and nyah-nyah look who made it to high ground first. Tag. I’m free. (The Who) Knock, knock. It’s no joke man. Nor is it like an MC Escher etching where the water runs uphill or gravity farts in our face. This is the 3D - with a hydrogen furnace arms distance away and give me fifty jumping jacks, you’re looking a little on the heavy side. Or is that a gravity/weight belt that you wear while driving through the take-out stand? Don’t loose your place in line, remember we’re after dinosaurs just before insects or will the dolphins let us crawl back into the sea? Take 'em, Cujo. Tear 'em up, they’re yours. The best prime-time we could get was that Uncle Tom - Flipper. And that was after all the time we did in the service, where’s our purple heart and benes?
What a sack! Feel the bones like an abacus answer lined up vertical or is it horizontal buried and dug up like a sarcophagus. Can we rob the gold, but wait, maybe there’s a yellow stickie on forehead - an answer from the past. Did somebody already “get it” and draw the answer on clay or twist metal? I hope this isn’t just a cosmic game of marbles… or that we’re just waiting to be flash-cooked.
What if your fin is nothing more than a guitar pick plucking the internal string(er) and storing that musical OM for the launch to a new attitude? We are the membrane.
There’s nothing like the OC, baby!
Endless Summer consumption
the plague of yesterday’s grandchildren
Disposable income for an old world craft
cause all ships sent out went off the edge
Who is going to say the prayer?
Earth Day is coming, pack your bags…
Excerpt from - A Bad Day in the Milky Way
by Jerry Bonnell
Striking fear
The BATSE results struck fear into the hearts of astrophysicists around the planet. Well, maybe not fear, but some did seem to experience symptoms of “ergophobia” (fear of energy). The concerns arose after it was realized that a startling but natural explanation of the bursters’ random positions and observed brightness was that they were located in distant galaxies, themselves randomly distributed in our sky. Now, to be in galaxies far, far away and yet detectable on Earth, the burst sources, whatever they are, had to release truly enormous energies – tremendous but distant explosions only faintly “heard.” Instead of a nuclear bomb-sized hiccough from a nearby neutron star, such truly cosmological distances (i.e., in the billions of light-years) to the bursters seemed to require the sudden conversion of a significant fraction of a star with the mass of the sun into gamma rays a la Einstein’s famous equation E=mc 2. The idea of such extreme energies led many to search for other explanations of the BATSE results.