What designs would you use in real indo barrels

Ive been thinking about this for a trip coming up.

Desert point- not much room for cutting back, maybe straighten out a little to pull in.

A STRONG current to paddle against in the lineup.

All barrel from 3ft to 8ft. (hawaiian)..also for other steep jacking takeoffs into full on tubes from 3ft to 8ft..When its bigger more looking for down the line carves etc.

you are 65kg, 5'10 used to wider shapes -> the narrowest board you have is 18 1/2. You like wide boards (like narrow tailed low railed fish)even in hollow waves (more stability in drops and planing speed. but i hate em backhand.

Will a 5'11 f4 and a 6'3 f4 (stretch) suffice in hollow pits? (bringing 4-6 boards.)


What other designs would YOU use/bring for a long trip (if you were this size etc)??




Strong ones, nothing worse than setting up on an island in the middle of no where and snapping all your boards in the first week.

hey mate, I like my wider shapes too ... from the info you have given me there, I reckon you would love my Quadfathers , check em out at www.moresurfboards.com   and also in another thread here called "The Quadfather "...I have made quite a few for Indo lately, sent several over to Samoa and the guys are stoked on them.....cant beat the hold and drive of the quads, perfect for Indo pits and flying down the line making fast sections.... dunno if a 6'3" is gunna do the job if it gets real serious but if it is a quad, it will give you more hold than a thruster IMO....maybe a nice 6"6 would be handy just in case ....have fun and get kegged off ya nut....  http://forum.realsurf.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=15971&hilit=6+11+quadfather    here's a link to a thread that has some pics and info on a 6'11 QF I made for Indo...might be interesting to you....             http://forum.realsurf.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=16390             and another......

don't know specific dims but,...

wave count, wave count, wave count.

the end

You said hollow Barrells and wide boards in the same sentence. I beg to differ in opition!

Here's my take on Indo or anyother reef break: http://www.surfline.com/video/locals/local-fire-shaun-ward-part-iii_27032

Indo boat trip with the right board!


This would be the biggest gun you would need:



i just happen to be able to comment, on what i will take to indo this september 29th…

my 6.3192.3 round tailed coil

and some random pupee 7.019.752.25 pinny tailed thruster with a concave and an air-brushed horny lill devil with a fish tail on top, color yellow, or should i take my coil Quad-fish???

i weigh 78kg, 189 cm, foot size 28 cm

wide boards- hollow waves , some say they dont mix but I guess it depends on how wide...I say a 6'3" x 19 1/2" is wide-ish..but I love the stability and solidness underfoot and I like that in waves that matter....doesnt mean it has to be too wide thru tail where probs can develop in hollow waves....

Im similar Mark, I liked wideish boards for stability in drops but see the limits of it.

So have been getting slowly into narrower shapes- from twin keels now stretch f4's which are between fish and shortboards imo..The f4's are a really good board imo.

However so far i do feel more security in wider boards (mkii) in the tube, and they feel faster.

They do catch more edges if not angled right through  sections and narrower/more rockered boards are probably more nimble and better for tucking in high in tight tubes.

Ive posted this before so it might sound like im banging a drum but rode my mkii last year a lot in indo and thats 20" wide but 11" tail (tip to tip) is narrow thin and low/hard railed for a twin keel so is good in pits that are not too narrow. Its still my the board im more used to for good lefthand barrels.

Some, like the shaper himself can ride them well backhand too, i cant so thats another reason im getting into narrower shapes.And the fact shortboards are better in bigger waves etc.

For a while i felt i was only a decent surfer on my mkii, but it just took me a while to get used to each new board, and always does on different shapes...but once used to them, you dont lose much of the feel of them when you swap back around. :)


I’m with surf ding for being anti wide (tailed) boards for down the line tubes, they tend to slide around in the barrel not maintain speed ect…  I woundn’t be having a ‘fat-batt’ over a fish for 8ft Deserts or G-land…most of the surf will be fun anyway so…

What reduces the slideyness is a heavy foot on the rear rail, right near the edge. The twin keel/quad flyer/fish with low rear rails and narrower tails can be great and hold in well, if made right.

going back to a  shortboard though it can be bring bad habits and make you heavier footed/boggy.

Still i would agree narrower is the way to go for less troubles..

I guess its all preferance too, like with women or music.

bit unsure what you mean ? wouldnt have a Fat-Bat over a fish ??? Fat-Bats are a semi-fish type shape and are narrower thr the tail than a true fish...I never suggested one of these designs for such waves...I said I like the feel of wider boards in hollow waves, then said that about 19 1/2 ( 6'3 ) is what I meant by wide.....never suggested a FB for 8ft desserets or grudge.....me personally would ride a 6'6 x 19 1/2" x ?, pulled in tail, probably a round tail quad.....as I said I like Quadfathers in waves like that....

Would you prefer a bit of weight (like 6oz glass pu board) Mark or a light glassed light board, like eps epoxy (in 6ft + deserts for instance) or what about bigger? say ten ft...Would you start going heavier glass or not.

For performance and less bumpiness i mean, not just durability.

Would not go over 19" wide for hollow deserts and use pu/poly for bigger waves. Epoxy/lighter boards in the juice and bump = suicide but great for 4ft and under.

go the pu-poly i reckon and glass it fairly strong if its for serious reef barrells ....but not too heavy for head high kinda stuff....